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Jesus POV
A few days had gone by since Daryl and I had our first fight. I woke up next to him like every other morning. He laid there on his side facing me. I checked my watch which read 7:30. "Welp I better get up." I said aloud knowing that I'm supposed to be meeting Rick at 8:30 to go on our run.

I already know that Daryl's gonna be pissed that I'm leaving. He didn't like me being with Rick in Ricks house let alone a run with just him and I.

I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up and try to think how I'm gonna tell Daryl that I'm leaving with Rick. He hasn't let me out of his sight since the last time I was with Rick. He knows Rick won't hurt me or take me. He just has that fear of losing me. I walked out to see Daryl awake rubbing his eyes. "Morning baby." He said walking over to me and kissing my forehead. "Your up early." He said.

"Your up to." I say chuckling.

"Only cause you woke me up." He said walking into the bathroom.

When he walked out he sat on the bed to put on his boots. "What do you got planned for today ?" He asks me.

"Well that what I wanted to talk to you about." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

He looked up in the middle of tying one of the knots on his boots. "What do you mean?" He says.

"Well Rick and I are going on a run today and..." I got interrupted.

"No." He says returning to tying his boots.

"And why not?" I said crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"You know exactly why?" He says getting up to go to the kitchen.

I followed him downstairs and continued to argue. "But Daryl I haven't been anywhere in weeks. Please let me go. I promise I'll be ok." I said giving him my best puppy dog eyes I could give.
"Pleeaaaaaaaaaasssssseeeeeee." I continued.

He completely ignored me. I know how to get him to let me go. I walked up behind him hug him by his neck. "I'll do anything ." I whispered in his ear. That seemed to excite him...just like I planned.

"Anything?" He asked.

"Anything." I said as I kissed his neck.

"(Sigh)It's against my better judgment but... fine you can go. But you owe me, remember that."

"I know," I said as I started to walk out. "Thanks babe."

"Wait." He said. "Before you go, come here."

I walked back to him.
"Sit." He said pointing to his lap.

I sat facing him. He pulled me into a hug. "You better come home. You hear me?" He whispered in my ear.

"I will I promise." I said kissing him.

"I'll walk you to the gate." He says.

We walked to the gate. Rick was sitting there waiting for me. "Hey Rick." We greeted him.

"Hey guys. You ready?" He says to me.

"All ready. Bye babe. See you later." I said kissing his cheek.

"Bye. Remember what I said."

"I know. I'll be home.......I promise."

I hopped into the car and waved him goodbye. But as I left I kinda felt a pain in my chest. A pain that I've had before. It's the pain I get when I leave Daryl Dixon.

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