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The next day. 3:00 pm I the afternoon.

Jesus POV
I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in the infirmary. I looked around to see me connected to an IV and my man sleeping peacefully in a chair. I got up. Slowly but surly, holding my side.

I kept quiet and sat in his lap, kissing his neck until he woke up. "Uuuggg. Stop it." He says sleepily.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I said smiling.

"JESUS!" He yelled as he pulled me into his chest being careful to not touch my wound. "I'm so glad your ok." He said kissing me.

"Me to." I said through the kiss.

"You know I'm glad your ok but, you shouldn't be out of the bed." Daryl says to me.

"I feel more comfortable when I'm with you." I said laying my head in between his neck and shoulder.

"Yeah, you mean on me." He said with a chuckle. "You should get back in your bed."

"That's not my bed. My bed is at your house.........and that's our bed." I said.

"Alright smart ass." He said laughing and kissing my shoulder.
"Come on get back in there I don't wanna hurt you."

"Only if you go with me." I said.

He smiled. "Ok deal." He said picking me up bridal style and placing me in the bed.

I patted the side opposite to my wound and he laid there. I laid my head on his chest. "This is much more comfortable." I said smiling.

"Yeah. Lot comfier then that damn chair. " he said with chuckle. "Start feeling better baby so we can go home."

"Don't worry." I said getting closer. "I'm feeling better already."

Sorry for the short chapter. I really hope everyone is enjoying this story. I love writing it and I'm glad it's getting a pretty good response . Love you all❤️.

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