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Harry's outfit in the chapter.

Jane's POV

April 10, 1912 - 11:15pm

I huffed as I plopped down in my seat at the parlor. It was night now, and I had just finished dining with my mother in the beautiful dining hall that the ship had, so I decided to come to the parlor and relax. 

Clearly, I wasn't doing any relaxing because my mind was reeling with anger at the words that Harry Styles fellow had said to me on the deck. I crossed my arms and glared at nothing in front of me but my mind couldn't stop thinking to that man I had just met on the deck.

Harry Styles.

What a weird name. He was attractive...I'd give him that. But nonetheless cocky and absurd. And then, who the hell did he think he was? Accusing me of not knowing how to have fun. I scoffed.

I knew how to have fun. 

And I'd prove it. 

I huffed and stood up, grabbing my skirt so I wouldn't trip and fall. I exited the parlor and made my way up the stairs of the ship to go to the upper deck. Upon arriving, I almost wished I went back down below to my stateroom.

But I had something to prove to him and myself. He had to be around here somewhere. 

I glanced about the deck. The wind from the cool sea breeze was blowing my hair all over the place. The sky was black and dotted with sparkling stars. The deck was mainly empty as I walked around, looking for Harry. 

I couldn't find him anywhere on the first class deck, so I walked along the ship, making my way to the back where I knew many of the third class passengers often resided. The floorboards made noises with every step I took. I shivered slightly, cringing at how fast the wind was moving as I walked around. I sighed as I looked around, not managing to spot Harry anywhere. I kept my eyes out for that curly brown hair that was unmistakable, yet was unsuccessful. 

Sighing, I turned around to head back when a voice suddenly stopped me.


I turned around to find Harry himself approaching me, a beer in his hand and a smile on his face. His green eyes sparkled as his hair blew around in the wind. The shirt he wore was loose as it ruffled around his body. His sleeves were ruffled and he had taken off his suspenders. I would be lying if I said that I didn't almost lose my breath upon seeing him. 

What made me frown however, was the girl who walked up next to him and placed a hand on his arm. She stood at my height, brown hair and basic clothing. She had beautiful blue eyes and a dimple in her cheek when she smiled. She had a cute button nose and rosy cheeks. She smiled up at him before she looked at me and frowned slightly, raising an eyebrow. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked kindly. I cleared my throat and looked at him.

"I came to tell you that you assumption of me being a stuck up, cowardly girl is wrong," I said. He furrowed his eyebrows and smiled confused.

"I never said that, Jane," he replied, "I said that you don't know how to live, sweetheart."

I scoffed, ignoring his little pet name, "and what makes you think I don't?"

He smiled and looked down to my hands before glancing up at me, "you're still wearing your satin gloves and it's probably close to eleven at night."

I looked down at my hands and blushed, frowning when I caught the cocky smirk from the girl next to him. 

"I had a dinner to go to," I mumbled, "my mother made me go."

He hummed and looked to the girl who stood next to him. He smiled and leaned down to whisper something in her ear before he pulled back. She smiled and nodded, giving me one last frown before she walked away. I tried to ignore a small burning feeling in my chest as I watched them interact. 

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