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Jane's POV

April 14th, 1912 - 11:35pm

I lay in my bed, covers up to my chin as I faced the wall and let the tears fall slowly down my face. Just when I thought things were getting better, they crashed down again and I honestly had no idea why.

I was still in shock, if I'm honest. Harry's dismissal of our relationship was so quick and sudden. I had stood there for about twenty minutes before I slowly made my way back to my stateroom and changed and climbed into bed. My mother and father were in the parlour room and had asked me to join them but I rejected their offer.

I whimpered softly as I snuggled further into the bedsheets and felt another tear stream down my cheek. I rolled back over into the bedsheets and laid there, staring up at the ceiling and trying my best not to worry about Harry and his words he spoke to me.

I know he didn't mean them, I saw the way his eyes glistened as he spoke to me. I just wanted to know why he wouldn't tell me the truth. I knew he felt the same way I did, I had no doubt about that.


I sat up when a loud creaking noise sounded throughout the cabin. The walls begin to shake and I frowned when I clutched the blankets to my chest. The windows shook and the lights began dangling while the creaking noise began to grow louder and louder. It sounded like the metal of the ship was being bent and distorted. My bed began to shake as well, making me grasp onto the headboard for support. I looked around in fear and confusion and let out a breath when it suddenly stopped.

And then it was silent.

I whimpered, getting up out of bed before I moved to the chair near the fireplace. I picked up my silk robe and wrapped it around me, making sure to tie it around my waist. I then opened the door to my room and stepped out into the hall, looking left and right before spotting a crew member making his way towards me.

"Excuse me," I said, catching his gaze, "What was that loud sound?"

"Oh it's nothing, Miss," he smiled, "it's probably just the engines, is all. Don't worry, you're free to go about your night."

I frowned, but nodded nonetheless and made my way back to my room. I sighed, closing the door and walked over to my bed where I sat down.

I sat there until I felt the unease about the new incident leave my body and sighed, moving to the window before I looked out. Everything was pitch black. I couldn't see much, save a couple waves that were illuminated by the light of the ship. The sky was empty; no stars or moon to illuminate the path and as a result, it was hard to make out any incoming objects.

I hoped it wouldn't be a problem for the captain above, but our captain was Edward John Smith. He was one of the best captains in our time and I'm sure he knew what he was doing.

I stepped back towards the bed and sat down. I shrugged, I might as well just take the nap I was going to.


A loud blaring siren woke me up. I shot up out of bed, immediately noticing my parents in the bed next to mine getting up themselves. They must have come in sometime during my rest. They glanced at me and frowned.

"What on earth is the problem?" Father grumbled. He got out of bed and threw on a robe and my mother did the same. I looked down and noticed that I still had my robe on so I climbed out of bed as my father opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. Crew were running back and forth, life jackets in hand and worried looks on their faces. Their shouts and hollers became apparent and grew with noise as we observed them.

"Get the women and children up first," one said, "they're our first priority!"

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Make sure everyone is up on the deck, life jackets on," another hollered as they ran past us. I grasped onto my mother's hand. One of the workers was about to walk past us before my father stepped in front of him, making him stop with a armful of life jackets.

"Excuse me sir-" my father began.

"Oh sir," the man said, "please put on your life jackets that are provided in your room and do come to the A Deck. This is not a drill."

"Drill for what?" Father asked. The crew member was about to speak before another worker called for him from down the hall. As he began to walk away he looked to my father.

"The ship has struck an iceberg and it's beginning to sink," he explained, causing my heart to stop, "but do not worry. We will get you out safe and sound. Just make your way up to the A Deck."

Everything around me began to blur. The ship was sinking and people were running about us. I was completely shocked. I let my mother pull me into the room and waited there until she handed me the life jacket, which I put on with a blank mind.

The Titanic. The Unsinkable Ship.

It was sinking.

Suddenly, I was reminded of a certain someone who was probably somewhere near the bottom of the ship. I needed to know if he was okay.

I needed to find Harry.


The ship has began to sink!!! I'm so excited for the last couple of chapters, you have no clue.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!



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