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When you don't remember what you wrote in your last chapter so you go back to read it before writing this..... ._.

Harry's POV

April 11, 1912 - 10:32am

I lounged about on the bench on the deck. It was morning the next day and I had laid down to have a smoke while I crossed my legs and stared up at the blue sky. I smiled as I heard seagulls cawing as they flew. For some reason, the sound brought a wonderful solace to my ears as I listened to their calls. 

I sighed as I puffed out the last smoke and sat up. I crossed my legs on the bench and looked out onto the sea. My future would be with me in less than two weeks hopefully...maybe more. But I'd get to America one day. I knew of it. 

I was excited to start my own hotel. I always pictured it. A big house in the country, for ongoing travelers to spend the night. I'd have a forest in my backyard to fetch some wood and a restaurant and pub. The rooms would be well furnished and cleaned and as for me, I'd spend my nights in a separate house I'd build next to my inn. 

Harry's Bed and Breakfast.

I know the name wasn't much, but for me, it meant the start of a whole new beginning. 

I smiled at the thought before I chuckled and flicked my cigarette out to the water. I got up and sighed before I stretched my arms out and sighed happily. I was ready for my future. I was ready to meet whatever dangers lay ahead. I was ready to fall in love with whomever the world picked out for me. I was ready to live. 

I smiled and tucked my hands into my pockets before I made my way back to our staterooms. I passed Millicent in the hallway - the girl that Jane was jealous about. She smiled at me and waved flirtatiously while I simply nodded in return. 

Truth be told, I wasn't a fan of her that much. I mean, she was nice, but she didn't make me feel the way I imagined I'd feel when I would be with someone I was interested in.

Now, on the other hand, Jane? She was....something. Granted, I had only known her for a couple of hours, but I felt as though there was already so much that I could read from her. 

I thought about it as I walked down the halls and down the corridors of the Titanic.

Jane was a brat. I'd give her that. A completely rude and spoiled brat. But underneath that, she had a fierceness to her, as well as an innocence to her that I just found intriguing. I couldn't help but notice that she was someone who was dying to escape the boring and mundane confines of her first class life and live one of adventure. She may not even realize it herself, but I knew she was a girl that was capable of being so much more than she gave herself credit for. 

I huffed as I shook my head and walked into my stateroom. I looked up to find Fred putting on his suspenders as he fixed himself up for the day. He turned around and smirked at me.

"Where'd you run off to early in the morning?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head as I took a seat on my bed.

"I went to have a smoke," I answered, "and for your information, I actually don't fancy Millicent."

Fred looked at me bewildered, "you're kidding right? How could you not fancy that lass, she's beautiful!"

I shrugged, "maybe...but not what I'm looking for at the moment."

He snorted as he sat down in his bed across from me, "and what are you looking for? Someone to cook for you while you fetch the firewood in your hotel?"

I bit my lip and looked down sheepishly before I nodded, "wouldn't hurt."

Fred sighed through his nose and shook his head at me, "Harry, girls like that are hard to come by. Especially those that are willing to hold out until you can properly establish yourself."

I shrugged, "then I'll just wait until one comes along then."

 Fred looked at me with a small smile, "you're something else, Styles. You know that?"

I smiled sheepishly and shrugged, scratching my head as I looked to my feet.

"I want to be happy in life," I replied, "with a wife who loves me unconditionally and won't judge me for who I am."

"So someone like Jane?" Fred asked. I snorted and shook my head.

"She seems nice," I said, "but no. She's too...judgemental. I mean, she's probably nice for someone in her class but not for me."

"I thought you always said you don't believe in class systems," he retorted. I shrugged.

"I don't," I agreed, "but to hope for something with someone like Jane is wasting my time. I'm better off trying to woo a goat in all honesty."

"Well, at least it'll pay attention to you," Fred said, "you know, since you've got your four nipples."

I shouted at him and threw one of my pillows at his face, laughing as he cackled out loud. I did have four nipples but that was only because my mother was going to have twins when I was still in her womb. I just like to think that my twin had somewhere else to be and left me their nipples as a parting gift. 

"Shut up, mate," I laughed, "you'd be lucky if a goat so much as even bleated at you."

Fred sighed and nodded sadly, "aye, that's true." 

We snickered and laughed as we leaned back against the walls of our stateroom. It went quiet between us as we got lost in our own thoughts for a moment. 

"So," he said, breaking the silence, "do you think you'll see her again?"

"Who? Jane?" I asked. He nodded. I blew a puff of air out of my lungs and shrugged modestly.

"I don't know," I replied, "probably I mean, it's a ship. There's only so many places that you can be."

"What are you going to do if you bump into her again?" Fred asked, "you know, since you're not attracted to her or anything?"

I smirked at his stupidity and shook my head. I fiddled with my thumbs before I smiled and looked at him.

"I'm going to teach her how to have fun."


I hope these chapters aren't going too slow?

Let me know what you think!

Have a wonderful day/night!!!





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