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Happy New Year everyone!! I hope you all have a wonderful 2018! Love you!

Jane's POV

April 14th, 1912 - 2:30pm

I smiled as I walked along the deck with Harry's hand firmly locked in mine. I felt stronger now. Not because I had slept with someone more than once but because I felt like I could easily overpower my mother's antagonism through my love for Harry. His grip on my hand was just as tight though, and let me know that whatever love I felt for him, he felt the same.

I looked up at him, squinting in the sunlight as he looked around the deck of the ship. He glanced down and saw me looking at him before he averted his gaze back to the his surroundings and smirked softly.

"What are you looking at, then?" he asked.

I blushed and chewed on my bottom lip, "nothing."

Harry bumped my shoulder with his and chuckled at me, shaking his head as he smiled. We walked along the deck until he stopped, pulling me with him so I'd stand against the railing. The ocean breeze was soothing against my skin as I closed my eyes. I heard him step around me but didn't bother opening my eyes. I soon felt his body press against mine as his arms wrapped around my waist and a small smile made its way onto my face.

There was something about this behavior that was incredibly daring. Not simply because we were in public, but because we weren't scared to be this way in public.

"Harry," I hummed.

He pressed his lips to my cheek, "yes?"

I turned around to look at him and he smiled as he reached around me to grasp the railings and press me lightly into the cold metal. He kept his eyes on mine as he stood there, smiling softly.

"What's wrong," he asked. I decided to just keep my thoughts to myself for now and looked up at him, smiling.

"Tell me more about yourself?" I asked. He smiled and looked out to the open sea.

"Well," he sighed, walking us to a small bench where he sat us down, "I was born in England, as you know. It's always kind of just been my mother and I. Well, until she passed."

I squeezed his hand and offered him a smile. He smiled back at me and sighed before he continued.

"I never got the chance to go to school, but that never stopped me from going to the library as a young boy and picking out an easy book. I'd always take it home to my mother, as the librarian knew my mother and was quite fond of me, and she'd read it to me," he mumbled, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"But-" I cut myself off. I didn't want to bring up the fact that most of the time, it was people from the first class that got access to education but Harry seemed to read my mind because he smirked.

"My mother was a first class girl," he whispered, causing my lips to part, "but she fell in love with my father and fell pregnant with me..and her parents disowned her. Threw her out of the house. She was eighteen."

I frowned, not knowing what to say or do at the moment, except sit patiently and wait for Harry to continue his story. He looked down at his lap, sighing, before he sniffled and looked up at the sea.

"My mother was strong. She'd always tell me to find a nice girl and settle down, and she'd push me to go to America and open up my inn. She would always tell me, 'Harry, don't let anyone stop you from chasing what you want. Even if the thing you want tries to stop you, don't let it. Because there is nothing more rewarding than knowing that you tried your hardest to earn something, and you got it.'"

He smiled sadly, "she was my best friend."

I sighed and moved closer to him, placing my hand on his shoulder as he looked over at me. I didn't care that there were people around us; I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, feeling his lips press against mine with a slight pressure. I pulled apart and smiled at him, caressing his shoulder with my hand.

"If it helps," I whispered, "you've become a very close friend of mine. A best friend."

He smiled and nodded, "that does help."

We sat in silence for a while, looking out at the sea, saying nothing but letting the silence speak for us. It was a while until he spoke.

"You know," he said, "I think my mother would love you."

"Really?" I asked, looking over at him. He nodded and his green eyes met mine, sparkling in the sunlight

"I think you'd remind her of herself when she was younger."

I rose my eyebrows and looked at him, before I made an "oh" face and looked back out to the blue ocean.

"Not that that is a bad thing," he said, causing me to smile, "I just-"

"I know what you meant," I smiled, "and I'm flattered. Truly."

He smiled at me and leaned over, pressing his lips to mine in a quick and chaste kiss.

"I love you, Jane Flannigan," he whispered. I smiled and blushed.

"I love you, Harry Styles."


Sorry for being dead lol.

I hope you liked this update. I'm stretching out the sinking so I have more chapters hehe.

School starts Monday. FML.

Hope you had a nice day/night!

Love you,


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