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There's this thing about life, there's always weird coincidences and most everything has consequences and unfortunately at this this time Charles and Samuel happened to be at the mall at the same time as Alexander and John.
"No I don't care where we go I barely have money anyways." Samuel argued after Charles insisted Sam chooses the store.
They walked through the store with their hands clasped together getting all kinds of looks from people. They didn't care though because they gave the strange looks right back at them.
They ended up walking into FYE basically for the hell of it. Samuel didn't plan on buying anything and Charles just wanted to look about.
He led Samuel to the back of the store where all the rejected items and posters and hats were kept. There was a small brown box that looked almost popped at the seams with a paper taped on it that said "discount" in sloppy handwriting.
Most of what was in the box was cheep beanies and incredibly dull or cheesy tee shirt nobody wanted.
Charles fashion sense was nothing like anything in here let alone this cheep crate.
"Why are you looking through there?" Samuel asked as the other boy pulled out tee shirts and looked at the phrases or logos on the front.
"You got any better ideas?" He asked Samuel. "And besides some of these are pretty funny." He said looking at a tank top, unfortunately Samuel couldn't read what it said.
They quickly left the store after seeing nothing of interest in there. Charles led Samuel into Spencers. Samuel had never been there before nor knew the contents of what they called the "right side" of the store. He followed Samuel in and immediately the smell of weed hit him. It was strong too and caused him to cough a few times.
"They have something I think you would like here just stay right here." Charles said to Samuel and disappeared to the right side.
Less that 15 seconds later Charles appeared again with his hands behind his back.
"Okay are you ready?" He asked
"I guess." Samuel said with a small chuckle, no idea what to expect.
From behind his back Charles pulled out a large lollipop from behind his back. Wouldn't be too bad but it was in the shape of a penis.
"Oh my god." Samuel said almost embarrassed. "Put that back."
Charles looked at him twirling the candy around in his fingers.
"I don't know, I think you'd look pretty good with one of these in your mouth." Charles said, winking at Samuel.
Samuel turned a shade of red so dark he could've been mistaken for a tomato. He walked around to try to recompose himself while Charles laughed at him.
"Are you curious about what else they sell?" Charles jokingly asked. He could barely finish his sentence before Samuel quickly said "no!"
Charles ended up putting the candy away, thinking about how he would be too embarrassed to buy it anyways.
As they walked down the mall to American Eagle they were greeted with a somehow familiar voice behind them.
"What's this?" It said mockingly.
They both turned around and locked eyes with Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens.
Charles and Samuel quickly disconnected hands and almost as soon as they did Alex replayed with "oh don't worry I already have the picture." And he flashed the picture on his phone in front of their faces.
"What do you want?" Charles growled, not taking his eyes off John.
"We don't want anything but revenge." Hamilton said. "You both know what you did to us."
Charles scoffed. "I know exactly what I did and I'm nowhere near ashamed of it."
"You." He said pointing to Samuel. "And you" at Charles. "Have both made my life a living hell and I think I speak for John when I say that to."
Charles and Samuel looked at each other. Neither of them knew what the other did to the boys or that they were both doing something.
"Also I think you're forgetting something Charles, I beat you." John said with pride.
"I should kick your asses right here." Charles said his confidence over the roof. "And I promise you John, that won't happen again."
With that Charles grabbed Samuels hand and they started to walk away not willing to listen to anything they had to say.
After they were far enough away Charles looked at Samuel. "What did you do?" He asked
Samuel rolled his eyes. "I'm smarter than him so he doesn't like me. What about you?"
Charles turned his head the other way. "Not important." He said.
"Come home with me for a little bit." Charles said. "Hopefully douche isn't there."

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