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A/N: Sorry for the last crappy chapter I thought you deserved another because the last one was badddd. I feel bad uploading chapters like that bc people actually read this and I'm awful at writing and stuff like that makes it worse :))

"Charles you still never told me where we're going." Samuel complained.
"Narnia." Charles sarcastically replied.
"Seriously!" Samuel pouted making Charles smile, his canine teeth showing through his lips.
"Charles Lee. You know I hate surprises." Samuel whined.
"Actually I didn't know that and I assume you'll like this one."
"Give me a hint." Samuel requested.
"The only hint will give it away so nah." Charles said "you'll find out soon enough."
"Okay but if you take me out and murder me somewhere I'll haunt the hell out of you." Samuel said in a serious manner.
"Okay deal. No murdering, no haunting." Charles said.
"Deal." Samuel nodded.

They approached they destination and suddenly Samuel felt stupid for no knowing before.
"The park. I completely forgot the fair was in town." Samuel said looking at all the kids running around and all the lights. Sounds of screaming and laugher filling his ears.
"But why? We're both teenagers." Samuel said pointing to himself.
"Well can't we pretend we're kids for today? Now go up there and get your damn hand stamped." Charles said pointing to the booth an showing off the blue stamp on his hand with 3 random letters.
Sam sheepishly stepped up and she printed the blue letters onto his hand. Charles handed her up a ten dollar bill and thanked her.
Samuel turned his head in both directions, at the rides and at the booths then looked up at the Ferris wheel. It seemed to tower high over the entire park and the 'don't rock the cart' stickers on the side make his hands clench.
Deep in his mind he knew that stuff wasn't a great chance of happening but what if it did while he was on it? Maybe kind of an irrational fear but he kept the thought in the back of his mind.
"Cmon let's go." Charles said grabbing Samuels wrist and pulling him towards a smaller ride that didn't leave but 5 feet off the ground.
After that they rode the smaller ones, off to the bigger ones that make you dizzy and sick.
Charles stumbled off of the egg roll and looked up at the sky.
"The sun is about to set." He pointed out. "Let's be hopeless romantics and ride the Ferris wheel and kiss at the top like people do."
Samuel scratched the back of his head "I don't know I really don't like the Ferris Wheel." Samuel said, head pointed down.
"Come on it'll be fun, I'll protect you." Charles said, a smile eagerly across his face. 
That's the moment Samuel realized that stupid, beautiful smile and how Charles eyes glistened could make him do anything.
"Alright." Samuel smiled looking up at Charles, the sunset sky making his pale face tinted pink almost.
He rubbed his thumbs together in line waiting anxiously as a cart came down for them. Charles let him get in first then sat himself beside, pulling his arm around Samuels shoulders. Samuel looked up at the sky, trying to distract from the fact that they would be so many feet off the ground in a short time.
The cart jerked forward one notch as people loaded into another cart. Samuel leaned his head on Charles shoulder pushing himself impossibly closer.
"Just don't rock the cart." Samuel said quietly to Charles.
"Oh yeah I won't don't worry Charles said, moving his right arm to Samuels side.
Without warning the carts started to pick up speed and go around in circles. Samuel looked over at Charles who seemed to be admiring the view.
"This parts boring, the best part is when you get stuck at the top." Charles said, not breaking his stare at the sky.
Samuel suddenly realized he wasn't scared. He felt safe in Charles arms like nothing bad would never happen to him. He smiled again. "I love you." He whispered to Charles, relaxing again on his shoulder.
"You know what's bittersweet?" Charles said as the ride started to slow. "This is such an amazing night but I know I'm going to miss it tomorrow." Charles sighed. "I really fucking hate school. I also hate the fact that the fair only comes once a year."
Samuel nodded his head in agreement.
There they finally were at the top. Cuddling and kissing like teenagers do.
Out of all the things Samuel ever imagined himself being, he never thought it would be at the fair, on top of the Ferris Wheel, making out and breathing in the scent of another man.
"We should just run away. Quit school and run away." Charles said looking at Samuel after they left the very top of the ride.
"You know I can't do that." Samuel said sadly.
"Why not? Nobody is stopping you."
Samuel looked down. "I want to be something when I get older make my family proud."
"Samuel you're an amazing person and you old live once. At the end of the day it doesn't matter if you're a lousy Mc Donald's employee or Bill Gates. Everybody dies. It won't matter." Charles paused for a second "plus, broke people have more fun, that's why you see me laughing." He said smiling and winking, lightening the mood.
Samuel smiled. "Are you gonna walk me home?" He asked as they were almost completely on the ground.
"Duh unless you want me to stay because I'm up for either."
Samuel thought for a second "Maybe tomorrow, I need sleep tonight."
"Hey you could sleep better in my arms." Charles suggested.
"That's pretty tempting." Samuel said thinking as their cart hit ground and the carny opened the bar letting them out. "Fine, you can stay just let me sleep." Samuel said.
Charles nodded "deal."
They walked home, fingers interlocked as Samuel slurped on a drink he'd bought before they left.
"Okay." Samuel said pulling his shirt over his head and rolling into the bed.
Charles followed Samuel and put one arm around his side and his knees in Samuels as they were both curled into fetal position.
"I love you." Charles whispered.
"I love you more." Samuel whispered back.

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