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"Well can we at least go to the mall tomorrow?" Charles asked as they walked down the street, hands intertwined.
Samuel smiled, "I don't care what we do honestly as long as I'm with you." Charles smiled but tried not to let it show.
"Remember that day you sat by me on the bus?" Samuel asked.
"To be honesty with you, no." Charles said chuckling.
"Well I remember. Didn't you get off at the track field? Wait, why haven't you been going to track practice?" Samuel asked.
"Because I'm here with you and you make me happier than any sport could." Lee said looking down at their hands.
"Well here we are." Charles said pointing to a house. "Home sweet hell."
The house looked pretty normal. It was panted beige and it had two stories. Nothing about it looked bad but Samuel could almost sense that there was a lot of bad things that had happened here.
Charles pulled the key out of his pocked and unlocked the door. He stepped in and so did Samuel.
Before Samuel had time to even look around Charles hissed "Dad?!" At a man standing in the house looking through the drawers.
"Oh hi, son." The man said grinning in an almost evil way. "Gonna introduce me to your little friend." There was a pause for a minute. "Or is that your boyfriend?" He said.
Charles stepped in front of Samuel in a protective way.
"What are you doing here dad?! Does Mom know you're here?"
"None of your business." The older man growled.
Charles hissed in frustration before grabbing Samuels arm and dragging him out of the house.
"Come one lets go to the mall." Lee said almost gritting his teeth. 
"Shh, shh." Samuel tried to calm Charles down.
He grabbed Charles shoulders and looked up at him. "I'm always here." He whispered.
Charles started to shake then started to calm down. He hugged Samuel tightly. "I love you." He whispered into Samuels ear.
"Actually, let's just go to my house." Samuel suggested. "We can go to the mall tomorrow."
Charles nodded.
"This is the most walking I've done in forever." Lee said in a joking tone but honestly probably wasn't a joke.
Samuels house was white and decently large. He had a trampoline in the backyard along with a swing set from when he was a child. Charles looked around as he followed Samuel down the walkway into the house.
Samuel grabbed the spare key but then found the door was already unlocked. Strange since his mom was supposed to be working later today. He opened it and peeked in and saw his mom in the kitchen. He walked into the house and told Charles to follow.
"Mom?" He said making her look over. "I thought you were working late today?"
"No someone else came in they said I could go." She looked over at Charles. "Who's this?" She asked surprised.
"Charles." Samuel said.
"Oh uh okay well dinner will be ready in about an hour."
Samuel nodded.
"Take off your shoes." He told Charles Who kicked his shoes off with his feet then followed Samuel up the stairs.
"My room is at the very end of the hallway." Samuel said opening the door. As he opened it you could feel the heat change. Samuels room was so much hotter than the rest of the house. He could feel it to so he opened the window by his room.
They sat down on the bed and Samuel looked at Charles. "Do your parents know about us?" Samuel asked.
Charles shook his head. "Nobody does."
"My mom thinks I'm gay but she doesn't know about us." Samuel said.
Then all of the sudden a spider started to climb down the wall and Samuel practically flew backwards. "Kill it! Kill it!" He said loudly to Charles.
Charles looked up and saw the tiny spider. He started to laugh. "This tiny thing?" He said. He picked up a shoe and smacked the spider.
"I've never understood the fear of spiders." Charles chuckling at the remembrance of the fear on Samuels face.
"Well you're scared of horror movies so." Samuel pointed out. "Also spiders can kill you, I don't see a movie killing me anytime soon."
"Fine, you have your thinks I have mine." Charles reasoned.
Samuels mom called them down for dinner about the time she said she would.
They are dinner in an awkward silence. It was pork chops and potatoes and the only time anything was said was when Charles complimented Samuels mom on the food and she thanked him.
After dinner Samuel went to brush his teeth and Charles used some of his mouthwash just so his mouth wouldn't taste like food.
It was around 8:30 when his mom decided to go to their neighbors for some party. So Sam and Charles had the house to theirselves. They still stayed in Samuels room though just incase she came back early.
Charles slid his hands up Samuels shirt, his fingers trailing up his sides.
Samuel leaned in and Charles connected their lips. Samuel was sat on Charles lap facing him. Charles moved his mouth from Samuels on onto his neck placing multiple love bites around the left side of his neck.
Charles grabbed the side of Sam's waistband but Samuel moved his hand away.
Charles was surprised but he didn't question. He pulled away and smiled at Samuel with almost a drunken look on his face.
Samuel combed Charles hair back and smiled. "You're so Pretty." Samuel said still sitting on Charles lap.
"If you're wondering why I pushed your hand away. I- maybe next time. It's scary."
Charles nodded. "No I understand it's okay."
He smiled up at Samuel as he slid off his lap and laid down on the bed.
Charles traced circles on Samuels stomach with his fingernail before laying down beside him. Samuel put his head on Charles chest and his arm around him. As they fell asleep everything was picture perfect.

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