A Morning to Wake Up To | Ch. 1

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(Y/n)'s POV:

My alarm clock went off, sending a loud beeping noise throughout my entire room. Groaning slightly, I rolled over and faced it. The deadly clock was across my room to prevent me from going back to sleep. I rolled out of bed and onto the floor, literally. The clock was taunting me. I got on my hands and knees and began to crawl towards the vile creation.

Why did anyone decide to invent these?

After turning off the loud noise, I noticed the time. "It's only 6:30?? Ugh..." I whispered to myself. A footstep like sound caused me to snap my head towards the door. I don't remember what day it is nor did I care. Someone knocked on my door lightly. "Come in." I groaned while shoving my face onto my pillow that rolled onto the floor with me. The door opened and warmth flooded my room. "Good morning (Y/n). Seems like you're all wide awake." A masculine voice said. I smiled slightly and lifted my head. I pushed my hair back and pretended to be cute. "Good morning Bon Bon. How did you sleep?" I asked.

I got off the floor and put my pillow back where it belonged. Taking Bonnie's hand, we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Bonnie prepared some dinner. We talked about our thoughts, and what we dreamed about last night. I stared at him the entire time he made our favourite breakfast...pancakes.

Bonnie's pancakes were the equivalent of a sweet, tasty cloud. The texture of the pancakes are so fluffy and soft. They practically melt in your mouth! The thought of tasting them made my mouth water, even if it was just last week that we had them. Bonnie sat down beside me and leaned on my shoulder. This was sometimes difficult being he is so much taller than I am. I'm almost five foot six though, which is a good height I think. Not too short, and not too tall.

As he leaned on my shoulder, my mind wandered back to the first day we met. The day he saved me from my physical horrors, and eventually mental and emotional horrors too. I haven't had a nightmare for eight months, which is a record for me. I smiled and petted Bonnie's soft, lilac coloured hair. He's been letting it grow out lately, and it's just passing his ears. When we go into town, Bonnie usually wears a purple bunny beanie. His friends do similar things as well. I guess that's what makes them amazing friends is their love for animals.

"I gotta go finish making breakfast." Bonnie said. He got off my shoulder and pecked my cheek. I smiled and blushed slightly. Still to this day, I blush every time Bonnie makes any kind of physical contact with me. However, the feeling is amazing. I continued to stare at the tall male.

The phone rang, and I jumped up to get it. I got there before Bonnie did, and I answered it.

"H-He-Hewo?" A very young sounding voice said through the phone. I was slightly confused, and I suppose my facial expression showed my confusion. Bonnie finished the last pancake and walked over to me. I put the phone on speaker. "H-Hewo?" It said again. The voice sounded like a baby. Then I realized something. Chica and Foxy had a child about a year ago. "Oh! Hello there Baby Felicia! How's my favourite girl?" I said into the phone wit a smile. Bonnie chuckled a bit, then we heard a panicking Chica in the background. Rustling came from the phone for a few seconds, then a feminine voice was heard. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Whoever this is, my baby girl must have dialed the phone while I was making her breakfast."

Bonnie chuckled louder. "Chica, it's okay. It's Bonnie and (Y/n). We were awake anyway, doing the same thing actually." Bonnie reassured her. She sighed with relief. "Oh thank goodness. With Foxy going to work in the mornings, Felicia can be a real handful." We both smiled. "Well, if you want to hang out with us today, you can bring Felicia over. We aren't doing anything." I offered. Chica giggled. Yep, even as a mum she still has the happy perkiness to her.

"Alrighty then! See you two in a few hours!" Chica said before hanging up the phone. We both smiled and walked to the table to eat.

Footsteps came down the steps, and I remembered Spring was living with us too. Spring is Bonnie's eldest brother. Spring has been living with us for about two years now, nearly as long as I have. He stumbled into the kitchen, and morning stubble covered his face. "Good morning Spring! I made you some pancakes." Bonnie said with a smile. Spring wasn't a morning person, so he simply grunted and walked away. He'd be back in a few minutes though. We chuckled and continued to eat.

After Bonnie and I finished washing our plates, Spring walked in fully dressed and ready for the day. "Good morning lovebirds. Did you two sleep well?" He said with a half smile. We nodded and returned the smile. "Oh! By the way, Chica and Felicia are coming over today." I reminded both Bonnie and Spring. The older male's expression fell a bit. "I was sort of hoping Goldie was the one who called earlier. Who was it anyway?" He asked us.

We chuckled and giggled a bit. "Little Felicia dialed our number by accident. Chica was making breakfast, and Foxy was at work." I explained. He nodded slightly and sat down to eat his breakfast. What did I tell you? He'd be good in a few minutes. You've just got to give him his space in the morning.

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Good morning everyone that lives in America! Ann is back with the sequel to Keep On Dancing!! You'll be finding out in a few chapters why it's called Quiet Love :3

I know this isn't the longest author's note, but I'd like to give a shoutout to my supporters from the Keep On Dancing book that wanted the happy ending and a sequel, so here's the sequel! No promises this one is going to be happy go lucky heh.

Anyway, have a wonderful day/night everyone!! I wuv chu all :3

~{ Ann }~

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