The Truth Hurts | Ch. 6

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Bonnie's POV:

I woke up to the warmth beside me. It wasn't an intense warmth, and I loved it. The warmth snuggled closer to me, and immediately I knew it was (Y/n). I sighed slightly and looked at her sleeping peacefully. Then, I remembered what I had done the night before. A gasp escaped my slightly cold lips. Suddenly, the darkened room felt like it was trying to swallow me whole.

Last night, I had no control over what was happening. Everything that happened was all Shadow. The guys are probably going to think it's just an excuse. (Y/n) shifted in her sleep; therefore, I held her closer and tighter. I hoped that she didn't know what happened last night, but it wasn't likely that she didn't. The realization hit me like a brick to the head. I had stabbed Goldie last night...

The guys were probably at the hospital right now. The thought of Goldie being held captive in a hospital room sent chills down my spine. What kind of friend stabs their friends and gets them hospitalized? Clearly, I'm that kind of friend.

I swallowed to get the lump out of my throat. It didn't help anything. I sighed and pictured the shape Goldie was in. It wasn't anything good. I figured he was in critical condition right now, but Goldie can make miracles you know.

Sitting up, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. A quick glance at the sleeping (Y/n) was all it took to calm me down. I was extremely thankful to have her in my life. I don't want to know where I'd be without her. She shifted in her sleep and a groan escaped her parted lips. I reached out and petted her soft (h/c) hair. A smile appeared on her sleepy face. As her eyes slowly opened, a smile formed on my own face.

"Good morning my lovely (Y/n). How did you sleep?" I asked the sleepy girl. She smiled and shrugged. "Pretty well I suppose. How about you BonBon?" (Y/n) responded. I tried to control my breathing. "W-Well.." I stuttered before she looked at me with sadness.

"Bonnie, what you did was wrong, yes, but you had no control over it. I understand what happened, and it's in the past. I love you Bonnie." (Y/n) said. I couldn't help but to small and fall into her arms. She rubbed my back and held me tight. I began to cry heavily into her small shoulder. "It's okay BonBon...let it all out." She whispered into my ear. I continued to cry until I passed out from exhaustion.

Spring's POV:

I held my unconscious boyfriend's hand tighter and tighter with every passing minute. The sight of his blood all over the gloves of the doctors' hands and the bed made me sick to my stomach. I knew I had to stay with him though... He would have done the same for me. I sighed and looked at Goldie's pale and pained face.

"Sir, he's okay now. We're finished patching him up. After this, we'll leave you two alone. You did the right thing. Another half hour and Golden Freddy would have been dead. There seems to be signs of a self regeneration; however, it wouldn't have been enough to keep him alive. We will be back in an hour to check on him." The doctor explained. "Thank you." I said through the tears. The doctor smiled, nodded, then left the room with the others.

I moved my chair closer to Goldie's bed. His pale face seemed so peaceful. A sigh escaped my cold, chapped lips. He shifted slightly and slowly turned to face me. Without opening his eyes, he smiled slightly.

"Hello Spring.." Goldie said in a raspy voice. A small smile appeared on my face. It's been a couple hours since I've heard him talk. I wanted to hug and kiss him desperately, but I knew it would have to wait. Goldie was still injured; therefore, I needed to let him rest. I sighed and stared at my blonde haired boyfriend.

To be honest, I didn't mind how we were in a hospital. It's been forever since Goldie and I have been completely alone.

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hello there my wonderful readers! I'm so very sorry that I haven't been updating in a while. I haven't had any ideas for this story honestly, so I'm also sorry for the short chapter. 

Thats all for today! Have a wonderful day/night!! 

~{ Ann }~

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