Heartache and Fear | Ch. 12

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Bonnie's POV:

The police car pulled up in front of the worst accident I've ever seen. A small car about the same size as the vehicle (Y/n) was being cut out of. (Y/n)'s body was limp with the only colour being red splattered on her face, ears, and body. I held my hands to my mouth and tears continued to fall once more. Her face was expressionless, and all the beautiful colour was drained from her face. 

A sharp inhale entered my lungs as the realization hit me. I did this to her. I let her take this test. 

Now, my beautiful (Y/n) is going to be hospitalized for I don't know how long. 

"Sir? Is this your daughter?" One of the EMT's asked. I looked down at the EMT and nodded. "Alright. Would you like to ride in the ambulance with us?" I nodded again and followed the EMT absentmindedly. (Y/n) was already loaded into the stretcher, but my face remained stoic. Inside, I was on the floor crying again. I figured now was the time to call the crew, so I pulled out my phone and did just that.

As soon as I explained everything, Chica started flipping out. Foxy attempted to calm her cries as Spring comforted the tearful Goldie. Freddy stayed silent the entire time, and it worried me a bit. After all, he is my best bud. I sighed and began attempting to calm them down. I told Freddy where my car was and hung up.

I looked down at my pale babygirl and tried to smile. "Everything will be okay..." My voice cracked. I petted her hair, which was matted with blood.

The ride to the hospital was quiet besides the dull hum of the various machines in the vehicle. My mind began to wonder frantically as all the horrible possibilities flowed through my mind. The EMTs in the ambulance checking (Y/n)'s vitals were giving one another nervous looks. I averted my gaze away from them to keep from bursting into tears once more. 

Eventually, I set my tired head onto (Y/n)'s stretcher beside her hand. Gently, I held it and fell asleep, holding my limp (Y/n)'s hand. 

Within about ten minutes, we arrived at the hospital. The place was unusually empty, and the fears of traffic would make us too late to saving (Y/n). I swallowed back the bile that crawled up my throat. Suddenly, my stomach burned as the acids came into my throat. I clutched it loosely, and vaguely, hoping to not draw attention from (Y/n). 

Fear struck me hard as doctors instructed me to wait in the waiting room. I hated the waiting game, especially when it came to (Y/n). Soon, the rest of the gang showed up in full suit. There was a purple book bag thrown across Spring's back, and they were all huffing and puffing. Freddy and Goldie sat in the chairs on either side of me, and Spring sat beside Goldie. He handed me the purple bag, and I set it on the floor. Chica and Foxy sat across from me with little baby Felicia in Chica's arms. 

"Thank you so much guys.." With that phrase, I collapsed into Freddy's shoulder and cried. 

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hello there everyone. So yeah problems still aren't the best, but hey I've written something. It's short, yeah, but I think it did it's job as the fourteenth chapter. In the next chapter, I'm hoping to have given you the explanation as to why it's called Quiet Love. Also, I'm slowly starting to update the remake of Golden Heart, so if you like Golden Freddy x readers, there's a series I wrote for that! The completed version of Golden Heart is a version I made when I first began Wattpad. It's extremely unedited, and that's why I'm making the remake. 

Anyway, enough rambling. Have a wonderful day/night everyone!!!

~{ Ann }~

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