No Longer Quiet | Ch. 16

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(Y/n)'s POV:

I woke up face to chest with Bonnie, and I couldn't help giggling. Bonnie shifted from the noise, and I tried to remain still. It's been a few months since he proposed, and I still wear the ring every day. He does too thankfully. Even though things were rough in the beginning of my life, I'm glad that I never killed myself. I'm happy that I lived to see this. If I wouldn't have, Bonnie might have been with another girl, and I would have missed the best life ever. 

Within another couple minutes, Bonnie was awake. He hugged me closer and tighter than before. "Good morning Darling. How did you sleep?" He asked. I sighed internally. I loved Bonnie's sleepy voice because it sounded like melted chocolate. A smile appeared on my face as I replied, "I slept well. How about you?" We carried on our usual morning conversation before Bonnie put a shirt on to go downstairs. This morning, I wanted to help Bonnie make breakfast. Unfortunately, the entire gang had stayed the night due to the wedding this afternoon. 

Wait...oh gosh that's today?!!? I hadn't realized it was today! To be honest, I've been so nervous for today it's not even funny. Bonnie shot me a glance as we walked down the steps. "Are you alright (Y/n)? You seem troubled and nervous." He asked. I threw on one of my classic smiles and shrugged. "I guess I'm just really nervous about today..." I admitted. He chuckled and took my hand in his. "Don't worry dear. I promise everything is going to be perfect. 

When we arrived downstairs, Goldie was standing in the kitchen. Bonnie sighed, and I giggled with happiness. "Good morning Bonnie and (Y/n)! I have a proposal for you. Soooo I want to help Chica dress up (Y/n). I have the perfect thing to go with her beautiful dress." Goldie suggested. Bonnie looked at me, and I smiled with a nod. "Alright, I suppose since you and Chica did get the dress together.." He mumbled in agreement. Goldie gasped happily and hugged me tight. "Yay! The three of us are going to have so much fun!" Bonnie looked at him with a questionable face, and he released me. "Oh. Right. Sorry.." Goldie replied nervously. After Goldie fled the kitchen, Bonnie and I linked arms and started making breakfast for everyone. 

Breakfast flew by quicker than I had hoped. Unfortunately, Chica and Goldie had been finished for the past fifteen minutes. "Wow (Y/n) you eat slow. Are you ready to go?" Chica asked excitedly. I shrugged and ended up getting dragged up the stairs to my old bedroom. 

To be completely honest, I had no idea what Goldie and Chica had planned. Those two seemed to have a good one though. While I sat on a stool wearing only shorts and a tank top, the two friends whispered ideas in the corner. I noticed a cute purple bow sitting on what used to be my dresser. Beside the door, my purple dress hung in all its glory. In my eyes, the dress was beautiful and just right for me.

Goldie looked at me then returned to talking. I sighed and rested my head on my hand. It took a few minutes, but they eventually returned to my stool. 

"So (Y/n)...I wanted you to wear this around your waist. Both Chica and I thought it would go beautifully with your purple dress." Goldie suggested. Hesitantly, he pulled a golden bow with extra fabric to tie it somewhere. I smiled and nodded. "It looks amazing Goldie. I'll definitely wear it. So what should we start on first?" I asked. Chica smiled and giggled. I figured that didn't mean anything good. 

After hours of getting little petty things perfect, Goldie brought the dress out. "Alright. After this, I'll go make some lunch while Chica is doing your hair. I wonder what the other guys are doing..." Goldie informed us. I agreed, and Chica glared. "(Y/n) (L/n) do NOT move your head, muscles, or body AT ALL! It'll mess up your amazing make up!" Chica shouted. I smiled, and Goldie chuckled along with us. Another few minutes passed by, and she stepped backwards in awe. "Goldie...she looks-" 

"Beautiful." Goldie interrupted her. Flattered, my face turned a little red. He tilted his head and smiled at me. I returned the smile and looked at the clock. The wedding started in three hours, and I was still really nervous. Chica noticed what I was doing and gasped again. "Oh darling don't fret about the wedding! You'll do great, I promise." She assured me. "I sure hope so..." I mumbled in response. Goldie sighed and headed downstairs to make some lunch for us. 

Based on the little noise, I assumed the rest of the guys were out with Bonnie somewhere. I sat near the window and looked beyond the line of buildings that surrounded the house. The line of trees tracing the horizon really caught my eye this afternoon. The various colours of green and orange blended together nicely with the blueness of the sky. At times like these, I really miss Bonnie. Since we're always together, it's difficult for me to be separated from him. Sometimes I feel really clingy for feeling this way, but I know why I do it. 

Bonnie's the only person I've ever loved since I was thirteen before my mother died. After that, everything went to crap. My father practically disowned me, and my stepmother hated my guts as well. Bonnie was the first person since that day to love me for me. He took me in and completed raising me as his own. Throughout this time, he fell in love with me. Now, it's the afternoon of our wedding night, and I'm almost in my dress already. 

I smiled and thought about how handsome Bonnie was going to look in his suit. The image of his jaw dropping at how I looked made me giggle and smile more. Suddenly, I wasn't missing him so much, which was a good thing. 

Goldie returned with our lunch about a half an hour later. Thankfully, my make up wasn't ruined as we ate and talked about anything and everything. Out of the whole bunch, these two were certainly my best friends, especially Goldie. He and I are like two pees in a pod anymore. After I lost my hearing, he would always communicate in sign language. It had been forever since anyone had even heard him talk once my hearing was cured. 

Bonnie's POV:

I checked my watch for the fifth time in the last ten minutes. Boy was I nervous. Sweat rolled down my forehead as I held the flowers in my hand. Freddy attempted several times to calm me down, but had no such luck. Finally, Spring made his way over to where I was leaning against the wall. 

"Little brother, are you seriously this nervous on your wedding night? Listen, you've got her. She's yours, and you know it. (Y/n) loves you, so there's no reason to be this nervous. I promise you everything will go according to plan. Hey, if you really want to make her laugh, pretend to forget you left the rings with me. It'll be a great laugh. Trust me brother, you're going to be perfectly fine." Spring told me. A small smile crossed my face for a bit. Spring hasn't been the best at giving pep talks, but it did it's job. 

Finally, the time came when I had to make my way down the aisle to wait for my beautiful bride, (Y/n). Let me tell you, she was absolutely beautiful. That night as I watched my bride walk down the aisle in her purple dress, I never lost my smile. Throughout the entire night I never took my eyes off of her, even while we ran down the aisle together. As we fell asleep after it was all over, my last thought and sight was of (Y/n), my amazing wife.

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

And there you guys go! It's complete! I'm sorry I didn't write the wedding scene, but I feel like the way I ended the story suited it well. I'm so glad you guys have enjoyed this, and I'd like to give you all a huge thank you. I don't know what words I have to thank you for all you guys have done. 

I'd like to give a special thanks to @StarfireRobinson for being an amazing and loyal reader. This particular fan encouraged me to continue writing this book and even continue living. 

Also, I'm going to give a huge shoutout to @WillR03 or @WillRaven03 for being the best boyfriend out there. I'm so happy to spend all the time I can with you, and thank you for keeping me from breaking.

And another thank you to all of you readers! Thank you so much for being my readers and enjoying my stories. 

As always, have a wonderful day/night everyone!!!

~{ Ann }~

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