Spin the Bottle pt. 1 | Ch. 3

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Bonnie's POV:

The day was nearing its end, but no one was the slightest bit tired besides Felicia, who was already asleep. Someone knocked on the door, and (Y/n) jumped up to answer it. I stayed close behind her to make sure everything was okay. She opened the door, and there stood Foxy and Freddy. "Hello there (Y/n)! Where's Bonnie, Goldie, Chica, and Spring?" Freddy asked in a semi formal tone. She pointed towards the living room, and Freddy smiled. "Thank you darling!" (Y/n) smiled and looked back at me with a thumbs up. I cracked a small smile and studied Foxy's apparel.

"You seem dressed up. What did you do today?" I asked while moving closer to (Y/n). He smiled and straightened his tie. "Well, everything went great at the job interview. I start work on Monday." Foxy informed us. I nodded my head approvingly. As long as he was taking care of our Chica, everything was cool with me. "That's really great Foxy! Guess what's happening in a week for me." (Y/n) said with a smile that hinted at something impressive. Another small smile showed on my face. "Lemme guess, the young lass is taking her driver's test?" Foxy asked. (Y/n) nodded her head quickly and smiled wider.

Foxy walked inside and took his shoes off at the door. (Y/n) stood beside me, a smile never leaving her adorable face. After Foxy left, she looked up at me longingly. "So...are you excited for me to take my test?" She asked. I let a small smile show. I wasn't quite ready to let my little girl go out into the real world of driving places. In my mind, she's still my sweet foster daughter, and my loving girlfriend. The only issue with her being my foster daughter is I can't legally adopt her if she's my girlfriend. A couple of years ago, (Y/n) almost got taken away from me because Foxy and Freddy reported us to the adoption center. Thankfully, we were given the best miracle ever, and I got to keep her.

"Well?" (Y/n) asked again. I shook my head slightly to get back into reality. She cocked her head in confusion. "Is everything alright?" I nodded my head and hugged her tight, pulling her close to my chest. "Yeah, everything's alright my love. If there was anything wrong, I promise I'll tell you tonight. How's that sound?" I responded to her question. She hugged me tight and nodded with a giggle. "Sounds great! I'm just worried about you..." I sighed and hugged her tighter. "I love you my dear." I whispered in her ear. "I love you too." She replied.

We both smiled and interlocked our hands, then walked into the living room where everyone else was hanging. Once we entered the living room, all conversation stopped. Foxy looked me in the eyes, then moved towards our interlocked hands. "Say, you guys remember when we would stay out late on weekends and play those games together when we were seniors in high school?" Foxy asked while looking at the rest of the group. Spring had no idea what was going on, and I had a slight idea of what the clever man was getting at.

"Oh yeah! Didn't we make Freddy and Goldie kiss during a spin the bottle game?" Chica asked. Freddy and Goldie groaned while Foxy agreed with Chica. "You guys played party games without me in high school? That's not nice you know." Spring said in a pretend voice. I sighed and dropped (Y/n)'s hand, but my hand suddenly felt empty when I did. She stayed right beside me even after I let her hand free. "Spring, you were never around, and when you were around, you'd be hanging out with me or working or out partying with your buddies." Goldie reminded him. My eldest brother kept his mouth shut for a while.

We all looked at Foxy, who had a mischievous grin plastered to his face. "Fine, I'll play the games with you Foxy." Freddy spoke up. Goldie, Chica, and Spring all agreed to it as well. I looked down at (Y/n) who seemed to be having some difficulties with deciding. "Do you want to Bonnie?" She whispered. I shrugged and smiled. "Yeah, (Y/n) and I will join you guys too. Just nothing too inappropriate okay?" I added. Everyone started laughing, but it calmed down immediately.

(Y/n)'s POV:

Foxy and the rest of the group were deciding on what game to play first. I didn't know about any of these games, so deep down I felt like I was going to be a burden. Bonnie looked back at me with a worried expression. He crawled over to me. "Is there something bothering you (Y/n)? If there is, I'll be going to get some supplies for our first game, so you could come with me and tell me." Bonnie said with a concerned but quiet tone. I shook my head quickly and smiled. "Nothing's bothering me BonBon. I'm just waiting to see what the games are! That's all." I lied.  My emotions haven't been the best lately. I've also been feeling like something devastating is going to happen. Even though it's been a couple of years since the last incident, I was tired of all the bad stuff happening to me.

Bonnie got up and walked towards the kitchen. "Alright lads and lasses! Everyone in a circle!" Foxy exclaimed. He sure seemed excited about the games we were playing. They must have been really fun back when these guys were high school seniors. Bonnie came back with a few glass bottles that were different colours. He placed the red one in the circle first, which seemed to have filled Foxy with delight.

"Alrighty then! Does everyone know how to play Spin the Bottle?" Chica asked. Everyone nodded besides me, but I figured I would get the game soon enough. "Okay! Well, since our little (Y/n) here definetly doesn't know how to play, I'll explain! The first person the bottle lands on spins it again. If the bottle lands on another person, the first person must kiss the second person. Then the second person spins the bottle, and the person that it lands on has to spin it for their person and etc. It's really simple. There are holes in the circle where the couch, an armchair, and end table legs are. These are free spaces, which means you don't have to kiss anyone and you're safe. Got it?" Chica explained. We all nodded, and Foxy spun the bottle.

I watched the bottle as it began to slow down. I was slightly afraid of it landing on me. I didn't want to kiss anyone other than Bonnie. Thankfully, it landed on Goldie first. "Aye, Goldie is first once again!" Foxy shouted out. Spring chuckled and threw a wink at the blushing golden haired man. The bottle spun once again, and I stared at it as it slowed down more and more when it pointed at me. Everyone gasped when the bottle stopped spinning.

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hello my lovely readers! I'm very sorry for the delay in updates, honestly I am. I did send out a warning saying I'd be busy with band camp and unable to update. At least I thought I did. Anyway, the update is here now! Later on this weekend I intend on working on this book some more, and you lovely readers keep requesting I write another Golden Freddy x Reader!! Other than that, I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!!! ~{ Ann }~

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