The Test...and More | Ch. 11

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Bonnie squeezed my hand tight as we walked towards one of the student driver cars. I was nearly skipping from excitement honestly. Quickly, I glanced at Bonnie and smiled brightly. He smiled slightly down at me, and squeezed my hand. I giggled and let go of his hand. The instructor walked out a couple minutes later. 

The instructor was a tall, lean male in about his 30s. His facial hair was neatly trimmed and shaved, with the colour being a dark brown. His hair looked similar to Joey Graceffa's hair, but the colour being the same dark brown as his facial hair. I smiled and waved as a small, friendly gesture. 

"Hello Miss (Y/n) (L/n) and Bonnie. How are you two doing on this very fine afternoon?" The instructor greeted us. "We're doing pretty fine. So how long is this test going to take? I've got to get (Y/n)'s textbooks for when summer ends, and they're getting delivered to our house around five, so I don't want to be late to that." Bonnie rambled on. The instructor chuckled slightly and smiled. "There's no need to worry about that. The course is simply driving around two blocks then back to this very place. It shouldn't take any longer than 20-30 minutes. How does that sound Bonnie?" He explained. Bonnie scowled slightly and nodded. "That will do. Thank you." 

I hopped into the driver's seat and put on my seat belt. The instructor climbed into the passenger seat and smiled approvingly. "You put your seat belt on first. I'm very impressed. By the way, my name is Jean. (Pronunciation: John) I forgot to mention that earlier. Let's get on with the test shall we? I see you've already completed the online tests with perfect scores, so that's great. Alright then. Stick the key in the ignition and get this test started." Jean instructed. I smiled and carefully turned the key int he ignition. I gripped both hands on the steering wheel and checked all my mirrors. "Excellent work." Jean noted. A giggle escaped my lips as I pressed the gas and began driving out onto the open road. 

The experience was astonishing, but I couldn't capture any of the moment. Using my phone during the test would hurt my score, so I mentally made a note to come here when Bonnie was with me. I successfully used all my turn signals and stops, and Jean kept making approving comments and nods. There were very few things he wrote down, and I'm pretty sure those things were great things I was doing. 

I came to a stop at a four way crossing. The road was decently empty, and we were on our way back to the driver's center. Unfortunately, I was starting to get extremely nervous. In my mind, I kept saying that something bad was going to happen. 

I used my turn signals, checked my mirrors, and looked both ways before I made the left turn to go back to the driver's center. A crunch and the shattering of glass explained to me the worst had in fact happened. Red splattered onto the steering wheel, and I knew it was my blood. I couldn't move anything, and the world was slowly fading away. Suddenly, everything I was seeing disappeared, and my whole world went completely black. 

Bonnie's POV:

My phone started to buzz like crazy, and immediately my mind started to race frantically. My eyes darted all around to see if I could spot anything different in the scenery, but there was nothing as far as I could see. The phone wouldn't stop going off, so I pulled out of my pocket and answered the call. 

"B-Bonnie...some cops will be coming to p-pick you up... Someone rear ended us...and (Y/n) is unconscious. I can't get her to wake up..." After he finished speaking, I hung up the phone and dropped to my knees. I knew something terrible was going to happen. My gut was telling me something bad was going to happen. Unfortunately, I didn't listen to it. Now, my beloved (Y/n) has experienced a car crash and is unconscious. I tried so very hard to not break down, but tears just continued and continued to fall.

The crunching of gravel caused me to lift my head up. There stood a cop car, and the policeman inside was getting out. He knelt down to my level and tried lifting me up. "Are you alright sir?" He asked. I shook my head no and got into the back seat of the cop car.

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hello there my amazing readers! I'm glad to announce that I've finished the chapter. I would have had it posted last night, but unfortunately my "parents" decided to shut the wifi off. I was also half way through completing my homework for next week, so that was a slight set back. Oh well I'm already depressed so it doesn't matter...

I still want to kill myself...

Anyway, have a wonderful day/night.

Someone needs to.

~{ Ann }~

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