Before the Test | Ch. 10

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Bonnie's POV:

As (Y/n) announced her decision, fear struck me in the heart. I wasn't expecting her to agree to this, and the worry was coursing through my veins with large amounts. Shivering slightly, I tugged on (Y/n)'s shirt sleeve to get her to sit down. Looking down at me, she sat down and leaned on my shoulder once again. Happily, I sighed and held her hand tight. I didn't want my baby girl to get hurt while taking her driver's test. 

It seemed like she was down, so I sighed hesitantly. "Hey. If you want to take the driver's test, you can. I just don't want you to end up crashing or getting hurt." I told her. She smiled and nuzzled into my shoulder. "I'll be careful, I promise." (Y/n) assured me. I smiled and petted her soft hair. 

Once everyone finished eating, I asked (Y/n) to stick around for a few minutes. "What's the matter Bonnie? Is it something I did?" (Y/n) asked. I shook my head and stood in front of her. Gently, I placed my hand on her shoulder and pulled her close. "(Y/n)..I just don't want you to get hurt. If something were to happen to you...I don't know what I'd do. Honestly, I don't. You're my rock, my best friend, my girlfriend. I don't want you to leave me whether it's my choice or something devastating happens. I need you in my life (Y/n). I'm just paranoid you'll get hurt." I explained. (Y/n) smiled and hugged me tight. "It's okay BonBon! I know you love me and want to protect me, but nothing will happen. Sure there's a slight possibility that something bad will happen, but chances are I'll be perfectly save. If anything happens, my instructor will make sure to call someone and tell you what's going on. Please don't worry as much as you do Bonnie...I know how you are, and I really don't want you to have a panic attack while I'm taking my driver's test." (Y/n) explained. I sighed and hugged her tighter. (Y/n) truly is my rock.

"Hey! Why don't you two love birds quit making out in there and watch some TV with us!" Freddy shouted from the living room. Bonnie chuckled and motioned towards the living room.

We watched some silly TV shows and watched the news a little. (Y/n) snuggled against me and nearly fell asleep. Unfortunately, the time for (Y/n)'s driving test was coming closer and closer. Eventually, I shook the sleeping girl awake with a smile. "Hey (Y/n), it's time to go take your driver's test." I whispered in her ear. (Y/n) shifted around and groaned. "I don't want to go to school.." She mumbled. I sighed and lifted her up carefully. "C'mon (Y/n), it's time to go take your driver's test. Don't you want to have your driver's license?" I asked her. Immediately, her eyes shot open, and her face lit up with a smile. "Why didn't you just say so!" She exclaimed. I smiled and carried her out to my car.

(Y/n)'s POV:

The drive wasn't all that long, but I was so excited that it felt like three hours. A smile was glued onto my face for the entire ride, but I could tell that Bonnie was extremely nervous. Little did he know, I have everything under control. I'm going to pass today, and it's going to be amazing! 

Bonnie pulled into the parking lot of a medium sized one story building. I pressed my excited face against the window and looked around in awe. It wasn't all that exciting to look at, but those student driver cars looked extremely fun to control. I turned towards Bonnie and gave him a reassuring smile. 

"You're going to do great." He said. I hugged him tight and jumped out of the car. Bonnie took my hand and held it tight as we walked up to the completely glass doors. The place was rather empty once we walked inside. There was a very large desk in the middle, and the lady sitting behind it didn't seem too thrilled. We walked up to the front desk, and Bonnie talked with the lady for a few minutes. 

Finally, he said, "It's time (Y/n). Good luck!" 

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hello there amazing readers! I finally decided to come out of my cave and do what I love to do, which is writing for you guys! I've been having some home troubles and a lot of shit has been going on in my life, so I haven't had the time nor the motivation to write anything. Also, the wifi gets turned off on Saturday and Sunday because my "parents" are complete dicks the majority of the time. All schoolwork has to be completed on Friday, but HEY I DON'T HAVE FRIDAYS AVAILABLE!!! I have football games so I'm pretty much shit out of luck. Yeah. 

Anyway, have a wonderful day/night everyone... I'll be glad if someone is..

~{ Ann }~ 

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