Surprise! | Ch. 15

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Bonnie's POV:

(Y/n) was rolled into the room about an hour later. "Sorry Bonnie. She didn't react to the stuff we drugged her with. She stayed asleep longer than we predicted. On the bright side, I ran some tests and analyzes, and she is able to hear. You're welcome to test it out for yourself once she wakes up." Dr. O'Bryan explained. Nodding, I smiled slightly and thanked him for his work. He left the room without another word. 

The thought of (Y/n) being able to hear was amazing! I couldn't stop thinking about one of the first things she was going to hear. In my pocket, I clutched the small box in my hand. Hesitantly, I looked up at her sleeping form. She seemed so peaceful, and she didn't know what was going to happen. Goldie and Freddy have been helping me prepare for this day. Sadly, I was worried that she wouldn't be able to hear me say it to her. Thankfully, we had a miracle. 

It took her another fifteen minutes to shift around in her sleep. Quickly, I jumped up and dashed to her bedside. Gently, I held her small hand in mine and brought it to my face. Groans came from her as she woke up slowly. Smiling, I looked at her face. She yawned and opened her tired eyes. 

How did things go Bonnie? She signed. A smirk crossed my face. "I love you (Y/n)." I said. That was all I said, and her face lit up with glee. "Bonnie...I...I can hear! Bonnie I can hear again!!" (Y/n) exclaimed. She jumped up and threw her arms around my neck. Her head nuzzled into my neck, and she hugged me tighter. "Bonnie...I never thought I would hear again..." She whispered into my ear. I smiled more and held her close. "Yeah...I didn't either until today. Miracles have been made though." I replied. (Y/n) giggled and sat back down on her bed. 

Dr. O'Bryan checked all of her vitals and made sure her hearing was cured. Seeing (Y/n) giggling and smiling made my day so much better. Unfortunately, it made me even more nervous about what I was going to do later on today. 

As we walked out of the hospital, (Y/n) clutched my hand tight. "So (Y/n), since you're all fixed up, would you like to go somewhere after lunch?" I asked her. Her smile grew wider. "Of course I would! Where are we going to go?"  She asked. Smiling, I lifted her up and carried her to the car. "Well, it's a surprise. Everyone will be there though." I responded. 

The car ride there was one of my favourite. (Y/n) sang along to all of the songs that played, even the ones she didn't know or remember. Seeing (Y/n) act like she used to made me smile as well. The box in my pocket began to grow heavier with every passing moment. Part of me wants to get it over with, but the other part is really nervous about it. Without me noticing, I was pulling into the parking lot of (Y/n) favourite restaurant, Siempre. Sure, the place was slightly fancier than most places, but she loved the ice cream here. Her face lit up like a thousand Christmas lights.

For the entire afternoon, we all laughed and carried on. Today was the second best day of our life. Finally, the afternoon was turning into evening, and (Y/n) was about to get her ice cream. I had the perfect idea. 

"Hey guys I'll be back. The waiter should be here soon." I lied. Everyone nodded, and Goldie gave me a slight thumbs up. I smiled and headed towards the restroom. Once I was sure no one could see me, I slipped into the kitchen. 

"Is it time for the ring?" The chef asked. I nodded, and he smiled warmly. "Alright, let's get this show on the road!" He exclaimed. I smiled and placed a candy ring in the middle of the ice cream. I picked it up and followed the waiter out to our table. "(Y/n)! The chef made you your special, favourite ice cream. Dig in!" I told her. (Y/n) smiled and began eating the ice cream. 

I smiled more and more as she got closer and closer to the candy ring. She gasped, and I realized she got to it. "Bonnie look there's a candy ring in it!" She exclaimed. Goldie chuckled at how childish she still was. "(Y/n), I have something for you." I said before getting down on one knee. She gasped and started to tear up. Her hands covered her mouth as I pulled out the light purple box from my pocket. I opened it completely and smiled again. 

"(Y/n) (L/n), I've spent a couple years with you, and I'm so grateful you've stuck with me as long as you did. We've went through some rough times together, and we came out stronger and still together. (Y/n) (L/n), would you truly make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?" I said kindly. (Y/n) started to cry more and nodded quickly. "Y-Yes! Yes of course I would!!" She replied. I got up and hugged her tight. 

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hello everyone! I've finally updated XD Well...I don't have much more to say other than there will be one more chapter after this one. Sorry for the disappointment. 

Have a wonderful day/night everyone..

~{ Ann }~

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