Life or Death? | Ch. 5

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Bonnie's POV:

I wish I could have stayed in that kiss forever. My world was so much brighter with her in it. I knew there were going to be extreme consequences. Slowly, I pulled away from her. I placed a hand on her cheek. (Y/n) leaned into it and closed her eyes. 

"Is everything going to be alright?" (Y/n) asked. I sighed and shook my head slightly. A frown appeared on her face. "I don't know honestly..." I responded truthfully. A tear slid down her cheek. I pulled her into my chest and embraced her in a blanket of warmth. "It's okay (Y/n)...I'll do whatever I can to keep us together, I promise." I whispered to her. She nodded slightly and continued to cry into my chest. It broke my heart. 

A few minutes passed, and (Y/n)'s cries dulled to a sniffle. I still kept her in the embrace. "You okay (Y/n)?" I asked her. She nodded slightly and hugged me tighter. "You want to go to sleep?" I asked. She nodded again and laid down beside me. I did the same and curled around her and held her close. She snuggled into my body, and I noticed a smile. "Goodnight my love." I said. "Goodnight BonBon." She replied. Somehow, we both fell asleep despite the events of the day. 

Freddy's POV:

I didn't know what to do. Foxy looked at me with a face of worry. I understood why he was worried. All of us heard the footsteps come towards us, but they passed the room. I didn't know where (Y/n) was or how badly hurt Goldie was, and it worried me. "Aye, get the young lass and let's make our way down stairs." Foxy suggested. I agreed, and I opened the door. 

I held my arms out so no one would pass me. It seemed like the coast was clear. I allowed the rest of them out of the room, and they filed down the stairs with Foxy in the lead. "Aye Freddy get down here!" Foxy called out. I skipped stairs to get to Foxy quickly. He sounded like it was something urgent. 

Once I got to them, I saw Spring holding a pale, motionless Goldie in his arms. There was a pool of blood on the floor not even a couple feet to his left. A knife with blood covering the entire blade sat on the table. My twin brother was pale, limp, and possibly dead, and I didn't do anything to stop it. I fell to my knees and held my head in my hands. This was all my fault. Foxy placed a hand on my shoulder. "Freddy, this isn't your fault. It's Bonnie's. There was nothing you could do. Your brother, he told us to get to safety. He wanted for you to be safe, you know that." He said softly. I nodded slightly and tried to get my emotions in check. 

"Guys...I think we should get Goldie to a hospital, and fast. I couldn't get the bleeding to stop." Spring spoke up. My head jerked upwards, and instantly I stood tall. "Get into the cars guys. I'll take Spring and Goldie. Foxy and Chica, you guys follow behind us. Try to not wake Felicia." I said. They all nodded, and I followed behind Spring as he carried Goldie out to my car. I could tell he was devastated, and it's all his little brother's fault. I have a bad feeling that Spring will be wanting to either press charges or try killing Bonnie himself. 

I nearly tripped while I was lost in thought. Luckily, I caught myself before I fell. The last thing I needed was to land myself in the hospital while my brother is almost dead. Spring got to the door far before I did. I jogged to the car to let him in. 

"Is he going to be alright?" Spring asked. The poor man sounded completely broken, which it seemed like he was. "I don't know Spring...but I hope he is. We've just got to get him to the hospital, and fast. It seems like Chica, Foxy, and Felicia are already gone. We've also got to hope that (Y/n) is safe and doesn't get hurt by Bonnie." I replied. He nodded and carefully placed Goldie into the car. Spring slid in beside him and held his head in his arms. He whispered something to Goldie, who seemed more pale and limp than before. "Let's go. And step on the gas. I mean it." Spring ordered. I nodded, closed the door, and got into the driver seat. I floored the pedal as soon as we got onto the highway, which had barely any speed limit for some reason. 

Goldie's POV:

Everything was black, cold, and lifeless. All I could see was darkness everywhere I turned. There wasn't a thing in sight. I couldn't hear anything anyone was saying, but there was a dull hum in the background of wherever I was. I figured I wasn't conscious though. 

Suddenly, everything rushed to my mind so quickly. The group and I were all playing spin the bottle, and the bottle landed on (Y/n) and I. Spring got jealous and pinned (Y/n) to the floor in rage. Bonnie turned into a shadow like creature and tried protecting (Y/n). He tried stabbing his own big brother, but I pushed Spring away and took the hit. That's why I'm here. I tried a simple mind reading spell, but nothing happened. I figured that was because there wasn't any minds to read. I sighed and thought about the other spells that I could attempt to do. I'm different from the others you know. High school wasn't the best because of these spells I can cast. 

The funny part is its not because of religion or a satanic cult. I was simply born with the ability to cast spells. 

Without a warning, I saw a bright light. I winced and tried to cover my eyes, but my arms wouldn't move. I squinted my eyes to try to get a look at my surroundings. "Sir please stop trying to move. You need to stay still so we can complete this operation." A high pitched feminine voice said. I sighed and felt pain in my abdomen. I felt someone squeeze my hand, but I couldn't move my head to see who it was. I automatically assumed it was Spring. I heard someone sniffle, but now my clues were gone because I've never seen Spring cry or heard of it. 

I closed my eyes and breathed normally to prevent anything going wrong with the operation.  I must have drifted back to sleep. 

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hello there people! I'm sorry that I haven't been updating with the schedule. I've had a rocky two weeks, and I just got my computer from school, so I'll hopefully have more updates. I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating, honestly I am. I know I said I would work with my schedule. 

Anyway that's all I've got for you today.

Have a wonderful day/night!!!

~{ Ann }~

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