Forever Unheard | Ch. 13

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(Y/n's POV:

My breathing was becoming faint and shallow. At least, that's what it felt like. I tried to move around, but nothing happened. Within a few minutes, I sensed bright lights overtop my immobile body. Suddenly, I was swallowed into the depths of the darkness. 

I sat upright in the darkness and tried looking around. All I could see was darkness everywhere I looked around. Getting to my feet, I winced and clutched my stomach. "He-hello? Is anyone here?" I stuttered. A quiet wind passed by my ears, and I looked around frantically in fear. "Is a-anybody there?" I stuttered once again. 

Suddenly, a flashback of my mother appeared from the darkness. Her bright smile shone against the endless black that filled my eyesight. 

"My little (Y/n)'re all grown up! I sure wish I would have watched you grow up and helped you through life's difficulties and challenges. Dear, you've got a handsome foster father who just so happens to be your boyfriend, and I haven't been happier for my little girl. But you listen to me. You're getting surgery done right now due to your accident while taking your driver's test. It was horrible and more painful to watch. You have to stay alive. For Bonnie, for me, for all of your new friends. Don't give up hope. I love you baby girl. Make Mummy proud." Mum's face started to fade away, and I tried to call out to her. My mouth opened, but no sounds came out. Suddenly, everything was bright once again. 

As I woke up, a surprised yet excited face was the first thing I saw. I blinked tiredly and moved my head to the right. For some odd reason, I couldn't hear anything anyone was saying. People in scrubs were hugging each other tightly with wide smiles, and the rest were lip speaking to one another. I sat upright, and a sharp, searing hot pain pierced my stomach. I clutched it weakly, but I didn't hear any huffing or grunting from me. Panic started to rise in my chest, and everything became a blur. A male gently pushed me onto my back for me to lie down. 

The doors swung open, and Bonnie ran inside with tears staining his face. His mouth was moving, but I couldn't hear anything he said. His face fell, and his head lowered. The sparkle in his eyes slowly dimmed as he looked at me with the saddest expression I've ever seen. 

Bonnie's POV:

"S-So...she can't ever hear ever again...?" I stuttered sadly. The surgeon frowned and nodded his head slightly. "I'm so sorry Bonnie, but there is a possibility that her hearing could improve through the greatness of hearing aids and cochlear implants. Unfortunately, we are unsure if any of that is possible. For now, we will have you come in at least once a week for a quick check up to see how she is doing. Also, I'd recommend you learn sign language or carry a notepad around with you at all times. Either that, or she can learn to read lips. It's completely up to you two. The nurses and I will give you some time alone. You've only got a few minutes unfortunately. We've got some last minute vitals to check up on." The surgeon explained. 

So there was still hope for my (Y/n)?

I don't know how I'll be able to deliver the news to the rest of them. No doubt Goldie will try to use his powers to figure out a cure for her hearing. I sighed and looked at the confused girl lying in the hospital bed. A forced smile appeared on my face as I walked over. I held her hand gently and kissed it softly. Sadly, I couldn't hold back the tears. 

"(Y/n)...I know you can't hear me...but I'm so sorry... You'll never be able to hear the words 'I love you' from me ever again because of my horrible mistake. I shouldn't have let you take that test damnit!" I cried out. Anger rose in my chest and caused me to hold her hand tighter. "Bonnie you're hurting my hand! What's going on?" (Y/n) shouted. I looked up at her and realized she didn't know she was shouting. I let go of her hand and carressed her cheek. Her face filled with confusion, and I knew why. I tried to smile, but I couldn't. As a back up, I leaned in and kissed her softly. I felt her kiss back, and the tears continued to fall. I pulled back and vaguely searched the room for a notepad and pen. 

Eventually, I found the items I needed and wrote down everything I needed to for her. 

(Y/n)'s POV:

Why couldn't I hear myself speaking? I knew I had because I felt the vibrations in the back of my throat! I could see Bonnie's lips moving, but no sound came from them. All I could feel was the warm tears sliding down his cheeks as he kissed me softly. 

The realization hit me after Bonnie began writing on a notepad. 

He ripped the paper off of the pad and handed it to me shakily. I looked at him with sorrow and read the note. 


There were pieces of glass in your ear when the doctors were doing a scan of your body. Unfortunately, some of the glass in both of your ears managed to tear your ear drum so much that you couldn't hear anything anymore. I'm so sorry baby... 

I'm so sorry that you'll never get to hear my voice calm you or singing you a lullaby to get you to sleep. I'm so sorry that you'll never get to hear me say I love you.

I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have let you take the test...

I shouldn't have...

I'm so very sorry (Y/n)...

I love you so much..

Love, Bonnie. 

Tightly, I clutched the note and tears began to fall. I was deaf, and there wasn't anything anyone could do about it. Bonnie lunged towards me and held me tight. As they wet my shirt, the pain in my chest increased. I hadn't realized the tears streaming down my own cheeks like a waterfall. Weakly, I held Bonnie as best as I could. 

Today marks the second saddest day in my life. Mother...why didn't you warn me about this part?

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hello everyone! Sorry I just had to. I was inspired by a Vikturi fan fiction where Yuri injured his head while ice skating and became deaf. Unfortunately, I haven't found out if it's possible for you to become deaf from pieces of glass tearing your ear drum. I don't know if tearing your ear drum is possible! Anyway, it's good for dramatic purposes...right?

I hope you guys are enjoying the story. Don't worry it's not over yet. AND the best part? It's only uphill from here, I promise. 

There's only about a total of five more chapters until this story is finished. I haven't decided if I wanted to make a third book, but I probably won't. I believe the story will be nicely finished where I do finish it off. 

Have a wonderful day/night everyone!!!

~{ Ann }~

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