A Big Decision | Ch. 9

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(Y/n)'s POV:

I woke up the next day cuddling my handsome boyfriend. Smiling, I nuzzled closer to his chest and inhaled his heavenly scent. "BonBon...why are you so warm and comfy..." I mumbled quietly to myself. "I don't know my dear (Y/n). Why are you so cuddly and cute?" Bonnie replied. I jumped back slightly, not realizing he was awake. Bonnie sat upright and held his arms out. "I'm sorry Dearest. I didn't mean to startle you." He comforted me. I crawled into his arms and nuzzled into his neck. Chuckles filled the darkened room as I tickled him slightly. 

A few minutes passed by, and the alarm clock blared. We sighed together and realized it was time to begin the day. "So, when is Tonnie coming back into town?" I asked while Bonnie threw on a t-shirt. The shirt was a light purple and made his toned chest and abdomen slightly visible. Blushing, I turned away while he chuckled. "You're something else, you know that? Uh, I don't know when honestly. Tonnie hasn't called me lately or anything. Maybe that's a good thing." He joked. I giggled and hopped off the bed, slipping on my pair of fuzzy pants from the night before. 

There was some laughter coming from the living room once we walked out of Bonnie's bedroom. I was slightly confused, then I realized our friends spent the night in the guest bedrooms. We power walked to the stairs and casually walked down them. Bonnie waved to everyone with a smile. "Hello everyone! Did we all sleep well? Wait, where's Spring and Goldie?" Bonnie greeted. Hesitantly, Chica shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe the two hit it off last night." Freddy joked. Laughter spread throughout the room. 

Smiling softly, Bonnie walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. This is my favorite part of the day because Bonnie and I have alone time away from everyone. He doesn't allow anyone except for me in the kitchen while he's cooking. In my opinion, it's a good system because I get to stare at Bonnie and watch him cook. Sometimes, I even get a kiss or two when the breakfast takes a while. 

Once everyone finished breakfast, Freddy started a discussion about me. "W-What about me? What did I do?" I stuttered in fear. Out of instinct, I leaned on Bonnie's shoulder and held his hand tight. Gently, he petted my hair to calm me down. It didn't work too well quite yet. 

"Well, (Y/n) is 18 now, which means it's almost time for her to go off to college and buy her own house, right? Unfortunately, she hasn't taken her driver's test; however, Uncle Freddy has saved the day once again. Bonnie, you've been working with her for the past few months, haven't you?" Freddy explained. Bonnie nodded and glanced at me. "Well, today I've scheduled for you to take your driver's test!" Freddy exclaimed. I gasped slightly and clung to Bonnie's arm tighter. I couldn't leave Bonnie! There's no way I could drive a vehicle anyway. Besides, that's what Bonnie's going to be with me for...r-right? 

Bonnie stood up and sighed. "Well, I suppose you're right Freddy. My conditions are she can take the test only if she wants to." Freddy huffed and crossed his arms. "Bonnie, she's not going to want to take the test." He complained. Sighing, I stood up. "I'll take the driver's test." I said hesitantly. 

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hello there my lovelies!!! It's Ann, and I'm back with an update. I've decided that I wanted to get Quiet Love completed before I began working on any other books. So yeah, I'll probably be finished with Quiet Love by October 31st. At the end of Quiet Love, I'll have a poll for my readers to vote on what book I should write next OR if I should write the threquel for Keep On Dancing. If I do that, then I will need a name for the series. In my opinion, a series is a collection of books with three or more books. 

Have a wonderful day/night everyone!!! I love you guys!!!

~{ Ann }~

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