Spin the Bottle pt. 2 | Ch. 4

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Goldie's POV:

I figured the bottle was going to land on me again. It always landed on me first throughout every Spin the Bottle game we've ever played. Who it landed on next was quite the shock honestly. Sure, when I first met her, I felt a small attraction towards her, but I wanted to protect her more than show romantic affection. After a few months, it passed because she already had the right person, and I already have mine.

"Aye, (Y/n) the young lass." Foxy spoke up. The rest of the group seemed to be quiet with fear. (Y/n) didn't know what was happening, and I felt sorry for her. "Listen, I don't think it's the best idea for (Y/n) to follow through with this. After all, she does have a boyfriend. It wouldn't be a kind thing to do. Everyone here knows I'm a gentleman as well, and that's jst not what gentlemen do." I protested.

I sighed and moved towards the middle. (Y/n) still didn't seem to know what was happening, but she seemed alright. Right as our lips were about to touch, I heard a crash. Bonnie growled, and I stood up. There lay (Y/n) pinned down underneath Spring. He was growling, and the guy seemed like he was about to murder the small young adult.

Warning: Strong language warning from this point until an all clear message appears. Read at your own risk.

"Get your fucking dirty hands off of my daughter!" Bonnie growled loudly. (Y/n) was shaking and crying silently. The tears slid down her cheeks and broke my heart. I broke out of my trance and attempted to get Spring off of her before Bonnie murdered her. He wouldn't budge.

We heard footsteps come back into the living room, and there stood Bonnie holding a knife from the kitchen in his hand. There was something very different about him. His hair, skin, clothes, everything was in shades of purple and black. His eyes flickered from red to white, and an evil grin was glued to his face. "Freddy, Foxy, Chica, run. I got this." I ordered the other three. After they nodded, they rushed up the stairs to where Felicia was sleeping.

Bonnie pounced on Spring and pinned him down. "You will NOT touch my (Y/n) EVER AGAIN!!! Here me!!" Bonnie yelled in a demonic tone. The knife was against Spring's neck, but I couldn't do anything at the moment. I was trying to get (Y/n) out of the room. I pushed her towards the kitchen, looking back every now and then to make sure Bonnie didn't hurt Spring. After I got (Y/n) to safety, I walked up to Bonnie. "Bonnie, please let your brother go. You know he didn't mean to cause harm. Please don't hurt anyone." I said to him with a calming voice.

His head snapped in my direction. I heard a feminine gasp, but protecting was my goal. "He had the intentions to harm. I will kill him if that's what it takes!" He shouted with the demonic voice. The knife was raised, and I pushed him out of the way. A searing hot pain entered my chest, and a scream escaped.

My world went black.

(Y/n)'s POV:

I gasped and looked at Bonnie in disbelief. My eyes were wide open as I stared at the blood dripping from the knife in Bonnie's hand. A door opened, then something ran towards me quickly. My vision began to blur, and I could barely breathe. Someone put their arms around me, but they were cold rather than warm. I looked up at the person, but I couldn't make out their face.

"Goldie! GOLDEN FREDDY FAZBEAR YOU BETTER FUCKING TALK TO ME!" A masculine voice yelled. Then, I heard someone crying. I was lifted off of my feet and carried somewhere. My vision was still blurry, and I couldn't hear what people were shouting or saying.

My visions started to clear up when I heard a door close, then a lock clicked. I was placed on something soft, and I realized where I was. My vision cleared completely, and I looked at my surroundings. I was just locked in Bonnie's room. Bonnie was pacing around his room and holding his head in his hands. The blood was getting in his lilac hair.

The harsh language is over.

I crawled over to him and leaned on his shoulder. "(Y/n)...get away from me...I'm..I'm a monster." Bonnie mumbled. He sounded so broken. It broke my heart to see him like this. I knew what he did wrong wasn't going to go away with a simple apology however.

"I'm not going to leave you Bonnie...I love you. You didn't know what you were doing when you stabbed Goldie...did you?" I asked. I was trying to make him feel better, but I didn't know how honestly. He sighed and nodded. "You're right, I wasn't in my right mind...something happened. I couldn't control anything I was doing."

He lifted my face up to his with his hand. He kissed me gently, and I felt tears fall onto my cheeks. I pulled away and wipes his tears. "It's okay Bonnie. I'll always love you." I said and tried to smile. He returned a small smile and returned to kiss me. I placed my arms around his neck and tilted my head slightly to deepen the kiss. Every time he kissed me, it felt like heaven was on my lips.

Bonnie lifted me up and sat on the bed without breaking the kiss. It felt like it was going to continue forever.

~~~~Author's Note~~~~~

Hello everyone! It's Ann with another update for Quiet Love! I know this chapter was semi violent and harsh language for this rating, but I think I did alright. I hope you guys still like it, but I hope you are just itching to read the next chapter and read what happens next. Which, what happens next might be happy or sad, I haven't decided which way I wanted to go XD.

Actually, take a vote!

Happy update or sad update. You guys decide! Comment down below what I should do for the next chapter.

Anyway, have a wonderful day/night everyone!!

~{ Ann }~

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