Reunited and Forgiveness | Ch. 8

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(Y/N)'s POV:

A loud knock from downstairs indicated someone was at the house. I gasped slightly and froze in place. Who could it be? Are they here to get me? I shook Bonnie slightly to wake him up. "Bonnie...someone's at the door." I whispered in fear. Slowly, Bonnie began to shift around as I stared at his sleeping face. "Bonnie wake up please..." I whispered louder. Finally, his eyes opened slightly. "What's the matter (Y/n)?" He mumbled sleepily. A small smile tried to appear on my face. "Someone's at the door..." I replied quietly. 

Immediately, he jolted out of bed and threw on his shirt. Out of routine, he grabbed his gun from the nightstand drawer and loaded it. He tip-toed over to the door, pressed his ear against the the wood, and opened it quietly. "(Y/n), you stay up here. You know the drill." Bonnie ordered. I nodded in understanding and prepared myself to jump towards the other nightstand to get the knives. 

Suddenly, fits of laughter came from downstairs. I put my guard down and closed the nightstand. I sighed with relief and headed towards the door. It swung open right as I was about to open it. My face nearly smashed into the wooden rectangle. Freddy stood there with a large smile on his face. "I'm assuming everything went well?" I asked. His smile grew wider as he lifted me off of my feet. Surprised, I shut my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. As I swayed back and forth, the movements became more familiar, and I opened my eyes. 

As we arrived to the living room, conversations became more clear. Freddy continued to carry me into the living room, and everyone went silent. "Hey guys. How is everyone?" I asked softly. Bonnie smiled and slightly glared at Freddy. "I can take her from here. Thank you." He said. I smiled and nuzzled into his neck as he took me from Freddy. The brunette man walked over to the couch and sat beside his brother. 

I waved slightly at Goldie and smiled. He returned the smile and leaned on Spring's shoulder. Bonnie placed me on the couch and sat beside me. "Alright guys...I'd just like to apologize to both my brother and one of my best friends. I didn't mean to lose control the way I did a couple nights ago. I'm very glad to see my big brother and Goldie walking around and well. If there was one thing I'd take back, it would be not allowing my shadow to get the best of me. I completely understand if you don't forgive me, but I just wanted to get it out there." Bonnie apologized. 

Spring's face fell from pity. Goldie lifted himself off of the couch and walked over to Bonnie. Slowly, he got down onto this knees and looked up at Bonnie. "Listen, I understand how you're feeling. I've gone through similar situations myself, and you know this. I forgive you with everything I've got. Also, I'd like to offer some sessions to help with that." Goldie explained. 

After everyone said their apologies, we all made dinner together. In my opinion, it was one of my most favourite dinners ever. As we all talked and laughed, I felt like everyone had finally come together as a family once more. 

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hello everyone! I know the update is a day late, but it's here. Isn't this a nice way to end the chapter? I was going to try and made someone get drunk and try to kiss the reader, but I went against that obviously. 

Anyhow, I'm off to English class. Have a wonderful day/night lovelies!!!

~{ Ann }~

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