A Friendly Day | Ch. 2

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Bonnie's POV:

I was surprised at how smoothly the morning went by. Spring was less grumpier than usual, and that probably has something to do with his boyfriend, Goldie.

Oh! You don't know about them yet? Well, (Y/n) is my foster daughter and girlfriend of a year and a half. She's been living with me for two years now, and we've had a wonderful time together. (Y/n) is just a creature of happiness and joy, and that's one of my favourite qualities about her, quite possibly my favourite.

Spring Bunny is my eldest brother. He's been living with me for about a year now if I do remember correctly. Ever since he moved here for his boyfriend Golden Freddy Fazbear that is.

Foxy Fox, Chica Chicken, Freddy and Golden Freddy Fazbear are all my best friends in the universe. Foxy and Chica got married a couple years ago I do recall, and sadly Freddy is still single. Golden Freddy is known by Goldie, and he is Spring's boyfriend.

I know that's a lot to take in, but I have faith that you can handle it! Oh right! My name is Bonnie Bunny. I am the caretaker of the dear (Y/n) everyone knows and loves. I have soft lilac hair as (Y/n) tells me constantly, and my eyes are an unusual crimson colour. Often those colour of eyes ring an alarming bell for normal people, but I'm actually just a big teddy bear that cares about almost everyone. Please, take that with a grain of salt.

Spring, (Y/n), and I watched some television before Chica and Felicia arrived. We figured they would be over around ten or noon, so some down time wasn't going to hurt. We talked about how we were feeling and our plans for when Chica and Felicia got here. (Y/n) seemed super excited about seeing baby Felicia again. Those two get along phenomenally, and they've become best buddies ever since they met! It's kind of amazing, actually.

"Yo Bonnie? Would you mind if the Fazbears stopped over sometime today? Maybe we can get the whole crew over, and we can all do something interesting like Spin the Bottle." Spring asked and threw some interesting suggestions. I sighed and chuckled slightly. "You know that Foxy and Chica have a baby girl, right? They've got to take on some responsibility. Little Felicia isn't capable of caring for herself quite yet you know." I reminded the hard-headed brother of mine. He groaned and fell to the floor in a fetal position. "Chica and Foxy never do anything fun with us anymore. All this parenting stuff is sooo boring and exhausting. When do they get time for themselves, you know? Dude, I dunno how you do it. Honestly, I would go insane within a week, maybe less." Spring ranted.

(Y/n) and I chuckled, and she leaned on my shoulder. I smiled and petted her hair, and I received a smile for it. Her (h/l) hair shielded her eyes from the light. The girl was quite small for being eighteen, but it was adorable. There wasn't a single thing about her that I found adorable.

(Y/n) ended up taking a nap before Chica and the baby arrived. They arrived around the time I had expected. The baby got really happy when she saw (Y/n), but the poor girl didn't notice due to her nap. Chica smiled at the three of us. "Good morning boys! Looks like our little (Y/n) is falling asleep. Did she sleep alright last night?" She asked.

Chica acts like a mother towards (Y/n). The two are best friends, but sometimes Chica goes passed that and becomes a mother figure. It's a good thing, though. (Y/n) needs someone like that in her life. I can try my best, but I just don't make a good mother, you know? After all, I am a tall, sort of thin male. Usually, the role of the mother gets handed to the female a relationship. Am I right?

I sighed and responded to her question. "I don't know. She and I fell asleep on the couch, and apparently Spring carried us to our separate rooms." The blonde girl nodded and sat the baby on the floor with some toys to play with. "Hmm...is school stressing her out? Maybe you shouldn't be giving her so much work Bonnie." Chica thought. I shrugged, but I didn't think she was stressed with school. Though her being stressed in general? It honestly wouldn't surprise me. "I don't give her that much work. In fact, we've barely been doing any lessons besides language lessons. After all, she is practically an adult." I reminded Chica. She smiled and giggled. "Yeah, I remember. As much as I'd hate to watch our little girl grow up any more than she already has. She's already taller than me!"

I felt a wave of happiness course through me. Chica has a talent of making others feel happy without even trying. It's sort of like her aura that she drags around with her. Sometimes, it's nice to randomly feel happy by one of your best friends.

After our small talk, (Y/n) woke up from her nap. We all played with the baby a bit and just hung out. It's been a while since we've done this, and it felt amazing to take a little bit of time to ourselves. We don't get that often with Chica and Foxy being parents as well as me.

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Heyo there! It's the author back with another update! Please don't expect these updates to be this close together. I just had some ideas and some free time tonight, so I decided to update.

An important announcement: Next week I will be having band camp. Therefore, I might not update Quiet Love at all next week. It depends on how I'm feeling on the weekend I suppose. As a reminder, my band camp schedule lasts for two school weeks. Monday through Friday. Every day from eight to three. So please please please don't get mad at me or be upset that there isn't an update.

I wuv chu guys!!!

Have a wonderful day/night everyone!!!

~{ Ann }~

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