The Final visit | Ch. 14

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(Y/n)'s POV:

It's been two years since the car crash. I haven't driven anything since. I felt Bonnie's body shuffle beside me. Slowly, I turned my head to face the figure. A smile crossed my face as I watched my boyfriend sleep. It's been forever since I've been able to properly hear him say anything to me. Sure, I had my hearing aid, but it hasn't been enough to cure my injury.

Today we were going to the hospital to have yet another experimental device put into my ear. Hopefully, this gadget was going to finally help me hear things. I sighed and looked around the darkened room. The alarm clock glowed green, and the numbers read 6:30. Slowly, I pushed myself out of bed and stretched. Silence continued to fill my ears as I made my way down the steps. I knew Goldie had slept overnight, and I'm probably glad I couldn't hear anything.

The light to Tonnie's bedroom was on, and curiosity lured me toward it. I hadn't realized Tonnie had stopped in until I was near the room. Hesitantly, I peeked into the brightly lit room. Underneath a pile of blankets was a large bump. I smiled slightly and giggled. Sadly, I couldn't hear how I sounded or if he was talking to me. Maybe he didn't know.

I sighed and walked away from Tonnie's bedroom and headed downstairs. The lights were off, and the room seemed to be pitch black to everyone else. I sensed some movement behind me, and I spun around with a worried look on my face. I sighed with relief and smiled.

I signed, Oh it's just you, Goldie. He smiled and opened his arms. Slowly, I walked up to him and accepted his embrace. Gently, he petted my messy hair and ran his fingers through it. He pushed me out of his embrace and signed, When is Bonnie waking up? I shrugged and replied, I don't know Goldie. Want me to go wake him up? Goldie shook his head lightly and headed towards the kitchen. Woah, no one but Bonnie has ever made breakfast before.

The surprise motivated me to go wake up Bonnie, so I skipped up the stairs and into our bedroom. I smiled and rushed towards the bed. His sleeping form shifted around from beneath the covers, and I ripped them away from his body. Bonnie curled up into a ball and made the facial expression of discomfort. Giggling, I cuddled up to him and poked his sleepy face.

Good morning BonBon! Goldie is making dinner. I signed. He smiled and pulled me closer. Softly, he kissed my forehead and held me tight. I smiled in return and cuddled as close as I could get to Bonnie.

Bonnie's POV:

(Y/n) snuggled as close to me as she possibly could. Unfortunately, she didn't know how badly I wanted her to hear what I was saying to her. It's been forever since I've heard her voice. Sadly, (Y/n) feels self conscious about how loud, soft, or obnoxious she's being, so she choses to not speak. I didn't blame my poor (Y/n) honestly.

I sighed and held her closer, and the hypnotizing aroma of breakfast came through my open door. A slight smirk crossed my face as I tried to distinguish what Goldie was making. It smelled like pancakes and eggs, but I could be wrong. Carefully, I sat upright and picked up (Y/n). She smiled up at me and held on tight, giving a slight nod. Sadly, I forgot to put on a shirt before I carried the tired girl downstairs.

Goldie looked at me with confusion once I reached the kitchen. "Good morning Goldie. Thanks for making breakfast. You really didn't have to. After all, it's only 6:45." I told Goldie. He nodded slightly and shrugged. I just felt like making breakfast I suppose. I'm making a healthier version of strawberry shortcakes and scrambled eggs. Is that okay? Goldie signed. I nodded and gave him a small, reassuring smile.

(Y/n) looked back at me, wondering what I was just talking about. Don't worry about it my dear. It was just about breakfast. I signed. Goldie has been speaking in nothing but sign language ever since everyone was fluent in it. He felt (Y/n) would feel left out if everyone actually talked to each other. This hasn't been much of a problem, but Spring gets irritable about it. To be honest, I don't know if Goldie has spoken a word since (Y/n) got diagnosed a couple years ago.

Goldie? Could you keep an eye on Tonnie and Spring for me while I'm out with (Y/n)? She's got another appointment with another doctor about another hearing aid type gadget. I signed. The only reason I use sign language is to converse with (Y/n) or to converse with others while (Y/n) was around.

(Y/n) hugged me tight and looked at Goldie. Happily, she signed Tonnie and Spring are trouble makers aren't they? Goldie chuckled, and I motioned for (Y/n) to head to the table. Goldie and I followed her and sat down on either side of her.

Slowly, she savoured the delicious meal. Personally, I thought Goldie's cooking was really good and almost tops my cooking. In this house, I cook nearly every single meal anyone eats, unless they're picky. Unfortunately for them, they have to cook or buy for themselves. When my brothers were living with our parents, that was the rule. I chuckled as I wiped a small amount of strawberry sauce from the corner of her mouth. Blushing, she smiled and giggled. I'm sorry Bonnie. I'm so messy huh? She signed. I smiled in return and nodded.

I could tell (Y/n) was really nervous for the doctor's appointment today. Gently, I held her hand as we walked into the hospital. Her small hand began to sweat nervously, and I felt concerned. Sadly, I couldn't comfort her at the moment due to my hands being occupied.

Hesitantly, she followed me into the room where we were directed to go. I lifted her up and sat her on the bed. Filled with boredom, she swung her legs around and played with her thumbs. I wish there was more I could do for her rather than sit by her side. Thankfully, that's all she wanted me to do.

The doctor walked in and smiled at me. "Good morning Bonnie. How's (Y/n) doing?" Dr. O'Bryan asked. I returned the smile and replied, "She's been adjusting fine, but her hearing hasn't gotten any better. We fear that we've tried everything." Dr. O'Bryan nodded and checked (Y/n)'s vitals. Unfortunately for her, she didn't hear the next conversation.

"Now I'm almost certain that this new device is going to cure her hearing. It's similar to a cochlear implant, but it's better. It accommodates to (Y/n)'s disability. There's a slight catch though. She has to go under a surgical procedure to get it in. Are you alright with that Bonnie?" He asked me calmly. The information processed through my head. Carefully, I thought about what I should do. Finally, I nodded. "Just please be careful..." I mumbled. Dr. O'Bryan smiled happily and signed something to (Y/n). I didn't see his hands, so I don't know what he said. "Alright. I'll see you in a half hour or so." He said.

Two nurses came in and took (Y/n)'s hospital bed away. Sadly, I was left to be in the room all by myself.

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Yay! I'm almost completely finished with Quiet Love! I'm pretty sure I'm not going to have another book, but then again only time will tell right? And it depends on what you guys want as well. Keep in mind I've got other books on the way! Though this might not pertain to all of you, I'm going to be releasing a Levi x Eren book when I upload this chapter! Yay!

Oh right I nearly forgot! I've got a new account called Will_Ann_Creates. It's a collab account for Will and I to both write stories. If you guys want to check out some stories on there, give the account a follow!

That's all for today guys. I'll see you later!

Have a wonderful day/night everyone!!!

~{ Ann }~

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