The Duo | Ch. 7

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Goldie's POV:

My mind was still slightly fuzzy, but it was manageable. I turned my head and faced my sad boyfriend. I smiled slightly and squeezed his hand. 

"Oh my god Goldie you scared me so much. I honestly thought you were going to die! Please never do that don't have to protect me all the time you know..." Spring said, his voice fading in volume as he spoke. A sigh escaped my cold, chapped lips. I attempted to sit up, but my body disobeyed my demands. "Goldie don't try sitting up okay? You're too injured, and you need to heal..please..I love you." He pleaded. Another smile crossed my face, this time might wider than before. 

"I love you too.." I whispered in response. My voice sounded quiet and raspy. How long was I asleep for? I considered asking Spring, but I didn't want to make him relive what he just pushed through. I sighed once again and attempted to use any powers I possessed. Unfortunately, nothing happened. A frown planted itself onto my face, and I heard Spring whimper. 

I tried opening my eyes, but they felt very heavy. Successfully, I sat upright in the hospital bed. My eyes slowly opened, and the view of my beautiful and handsome, yet sad boyfriend came into full view. Spring smiled slightly and tilted his head a bit to the left. His very dirty blonde hair shaded his saddened eyes. I examined every part of him. 

Spring was slightly slouched, and his phone set a couple inches away from him on the chair. The elder male's warm hand continued to clutch mine tightly. Sadly, Spring also appeared to have been crying heavily. "Are you alright my dear?" I whispered with concern. Hestitantly, I reached my hand out and gently moved the hair away from his eyes. He smiled slightly and leaned into my hand. A smile became glued to my face as he did this. His face felt warm, yet also as cold as stone. 

There was a heavy knock on the door, and a doctor stepped inside. He was almost six foot and appeared to have a tad of insanity in his bloodstream. I could tell from his eyes. His hair was neatly cut into a buzz cut with a dark brown colour to it. Frightened slightly, I removed my hand from Spring's cheek. He frowned, but there was nothing I could do. 

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to remove your hand from the patient here." The doctor said harshly. I heard Spring growl slightly, and I noticed a scowl begin to form on his once grieving face. "This is my fiancé. I'm allowed to hold his hand if I please." He protested to the doctor. His grip on my hand tightened to the point it began to hurt. The doctor's face turned as cold as stone. "You two are absolutely horrendous! If you two knew what your fate was, you wouldn't be risking your worthless lives being dirty gays. I'm here to give the treatment a check up, but I will not tolerate this kind of disgusting behavior. I will have another nurse come in immediately!" He shouted. The doctor huffed, fixed his collar, and fled the room. The door slammed loudly and caused me to jump back in surprise. 

Spring was breathing heavily, and I tried to get him to calm down. "'re hurting my hand." I informed him. My voice seemed to be regaining its volume, but my throat still felt a bit sore. "Oh...I'm sorry Goldie it's just...he..." Spring cut himself off with a sigh. "He just offended us. Offended you more importantly. You know how I am with you." With a nod, I agreed. The door opened again, and a female nurse around 5' 5" walked in. 

"I'm so sorry Golden Freddy. Dr. Conraido is really homophobic if you haven't noticed. We had no reason to inform him about you two. Anyway, I'm here to give you a check up. Spring, I'm afraid you will have to release Golden Freddy's hand for a minute while I check his pulse and blood pressure. Don't worry, you'll be able to hold hands momentarily." The nurse explained. Smiling, I turned my head towards Spring. "It's okay can let go for a minute. I'll be okay, I promise. You'll be right beside me though. How does that sound?" I asked him. Reluctantly, Spring let go of my hand but didn't take his eyes off of me. I looked back at the nurse and nodded in approval. 

The nurse checked all my vital signs quicker than I originally thought. "Alrighty then, you're free to go! Come back within a week or two so I can give you another check up. Make sure to ask for me, Doctor Katsuki when you get to the front desk. Other than that, enjoy the rest of your day!" Doctor Katuski said with a perky tone. I smiled and looked at Spring. His hand found mine and held it tight. 

We left the hospital within a few minutes. The place wasn't all that busy, but still decently packed. Stunningly, the sky's clouds formed together with the blue sky to create a beautiful scene. I squeezed Spring's hand with another smile.

"Let's go have some fun." I said. 

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hello there my lovelies!!! I've finished the update for Quiet Love. Don't worry guys, you'll soon discover the reason behind me calling the story Quiet Love. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. I felt a chapter focused on Spring and Goldie was needed. Honestly, it seemed like a nice difference in the story. Since the story is told from three main points of view (the reader's, Bonnie's, and Goldie's) I figured it wouldn't hurt anything you know?

Anyway, have a wonderful day/night my lovelies!!!

~{ Ann }~

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