Operation 25

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-One Week Later-
Tokyo, June 04, 2070


Target: Braxton Collin (Hoza)

Affiliations: 54i

Last Known Location: Park Hyatt Tokyo

As the sun sets below the horizon your team got into position after arriving at the AO (Area of Operation). Waiting for a confirmation on the target before executing you walked towards the rappels at the edge of the building waiting for the SIGINT to show activity.

"Target confirmed, he's in S building on the forty-sixth." the radio clicked as you hooked up and checked your chute for exfil. Signaling your squad to prepare to descend the building the sky turned black while building lights illuminated your figures. Nodding in approval once everyone was prepped your squad began rappelling the building. The sounds of light taps and ropes being tugged was heard every time you descended and your feet touched the glass.

"...forty-five." Everyone's attention focused on the floor below seeing the target's figure get highlighted through their UIs watching the target settle down on the luxurious couch. Inching closer to the floor everything inside the room became prominent as guards lingered throughout the room.  Counting 12 currently in view it was noted that the target was surrounded by a group of men who had been lounging near him.

Signaling your squad with hand motions you assigned the two men to your right to clear the room and focus the bystanders as you focused on apprehending the target. Grabbing the gadget hanging on your hip you placed it on the glass and turned it on to begin cutting the class. "Three...Two," A squad member to your left counted down while tapping on a mobile device as one teammate pushed themselves away from the glass and broke inside throwing a concussion grenade, "One." The lights shut off throughout the building and everyone entered. Jumping against the window you swung yourself towards the glass and kicked the glass with your weight breaking it, meanwhile, detaching your zip line. Walking towards the target you apprehended and prepared him for transport as your teammate released him running to clear the room. The teammate that remained outside begun preparing the team for exfil, "Six-two, this is (L/N). Target is apprehended. Awaiting for your instructions."

"Affirmative. Three vehicles will be waiting for your arrival behind the hotel. I'll be on standby."


"(L/N) what's your ETA?"

"25 minutes."

"I need the hostage at the base ASAP. The Winslow Accord sent -" the radio clicked and the signal dropped. You looked out the small boxed window to see an isolated town as the trucks halted.

"We --------- F -- d ---------- now!" Alpha reports between broken signal followed by bullets. The driver switched the gears into reverse but the sound of glass breaking kept the vehicle motionless. "We have about a minute before the firing dies down and picks back up."

You opened the door and peeked through looking around the area. No one was in sight while you held your (Weapon Choice) close to yourself. Opening the door wider your aimed your (Weapon Choice) near your surroundings checking every 80 meters. Exiting the truck you signal for your comrades to follow. Hiding low behind a broken wall a abandoned building caught your eye not far from where you crouched. Any other building seemed to have been burnt or far too broken to be entered.

"Follow me and stay low."

Staying in the shadows you reached the building's entrance and waited for the others to catch up. Once they were close you ordered two of them to breach the door. The door opened and you entered the building with your (Weapon Choice) readied. Aiming, and looking at either sides, "Clear." you say while your comrade's footsteps entered the building before closing the doors, securing it.

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