Valentine Special

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Rated R for Rose

At Spectre's bunker you waited in the hallway as the door unlocked and slid open. Spectre stood by the door with his ripper active before he sheathed it and the buzzing stopped. "Happy Valentine's Day ~!" You smiled as the silent filled your ears and Spectre stared at your form.

Not receiving a response you stared at Spectre as questions mentally surrounded you...Valentine's day? Happy?...does he care about these yearly occasions?

"Spectre, (Callsign) there has been recent modifications to your orders and the Commander requested you both at the briefing for the plan and the Higher Commanders intent."



Objective: Hold the bridge to allow a safe transit of a group of civilians from a village before noon

02 - 14 - 2070

The sounds of a radio crackled as your back was against the wall while watching two groups of CDP infantry. Walking out of your hiding spot their bodies fell with a thud before one could notice and Spectre pulled you to the wall. His hand lingered on your side as you focused on the sound of a rumbling engine growing louder until a truck passed the room and its headlights litt up everything in the room. Spectre looked down at his hand staring at the (Chocolate flavor) chocolate cube in a cupcake baking cup and a single dipped strawberry on the top.

"Happy Valentine's day?" Spectre spoke holding the chocolate cube towards you. Immediately you knew Spectre didn't know about Valentines Day as you couldn't help but smile. "Thank you." You pick up the chocolate and take a bite eating half of it as it melted on your tongue. Spectre covered your eyes with his hand until you felt his breath on your face.

Then you felt his lips touch yours then pull away, meanwhile, his body was completely pressed against yours as his free hand stayed on your hip. You tightened your hold on the chocolate until Spectre lifted your thigh to his hip and your hand instinctively gripped his bicep. You squeeze your eyes shut as the chocolate landed on the ground, "Are you enjoying this?"

Spectre tilted his head kissing you deeply and passionately then inserted his tongue into your mouth. The lewd sound of your lips touching forced you blush then Spectre let out a raspy groan. You grew hot completely forgetting about the mission and you pull Spectre closer as you wrapped your hand around his neck. "Spectre! We have two trucks coming our way. Where are you?" The intercom echoed from Spectre's end.

"(Callsign)! You're not in position the vehicle is about to depart..." Not even a minute passed before they spoke again, "Did you get caught? Spectre isn't responding!"

Spectre pulled away from the kiss for air, but he kept giving you little kisses from your jaw to your neck. His touch had a possessive touch when he moved his hand from your eyes he held you against wall now fully supporting your body. His breathing was ragged and your hands rested on his firm chest, while you calmed your breathing. "God damnit -" Spectre grabbed your communication device and put it on mute.

"Can't." Spectre spoke responding to the device as one hand lingered from your thigh then slid up your body. Spectre placed his head on the wall beside yours as you felt his hot breath. You placed your hand on his muscular chest and kissed his cheek, "Spectre! Get your ass here now! (Callsign) NEEDS to be in position -"

Spectre pulled away from you completely and put his helmet back on, "I'll find her." Spectre walked towards the exit of the building "We'll finish later." Spectre glanced back at you then disappeared.


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