Blood Thirsty

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-Your Point of View-

You didn't know what time it was or how long you've been sitting on the cold floor but it was quiet. From time to time footsteps would pass by and now it wasn't any different. The footsteps outside paused for a moment and the door clicked. The door opened and footsteps near you as something was thrown to the ground. A hand grabbed your bicep and pulled you up.

"Take her to the room." A deep masculine voice says in front of you. What felt like two men holding your arms, thoughts immediately came to your mind hearing his voice. Someone's fingers forced your head upwards and you tilted your head to the side, "I know you have no idea what's happening but, you'll live if you answer our questions."

"You old fuck didn't you hear me! Leave her alone!" You heard scarecrow yell to the left of you.

"You never shut up do you?" the man released his grip and the footsteps moved towards your left. You were shoved forward and you heard a choking noise. Looking through the dark blindfold you tried your best to make out the room. Your heart rate picked up and you froze wondering if the sound came from Scarcrow. Struggling between the men you felt the blindfold slip.

Just then you heard a thud and the man beside you fell to the ground. Eventually the blindfold fell to your neck and you glanced around the room. You tugged the man holding you forward and you kicked his knee forward. He fell on his knees and the other man pulled you back. You caught a glimpse of Spectre and he pulled the man off of you. You felt his weight leave yours and he fell to the ground choking. You knew all too well this was Spectre's work as you were taken back by how skillfully Spectre appeared beside the last CDP personnel and pierced his heart.

He retracted his blades and the moment in the storage room flooded your thoughts. You wondered what Spectre felt at that moment. Was he caught up in the moment he didn't think much of his- pushing aside your thoughts a CDP officer entered the room and Spectre pulled you towards him. He moved in front of you as you stared at his back then over his shoulder to see the CDP officer.

-Spectre's Point of View-

"Ethan." I mumble his name and listened to his heavy breathing. "Damn it Spectre. You shouldn't be here!" Ethan reached for his MR6, "I knew for sure you were going to leave her for dead!" Spectre glanced back at you then disappeared.

Ethan, a high ranking CDP military officer. Second in command of the group me and [Last Name] are partly tasked to eliminate. At the right time I had everything in control. His pattern was too easy to read. I stood behind Ethan as the moonlight gave up my position. I place the MR6 against his head, "You should've left."

-Your Point of View-

"Are you okay?" Spectre asked as he walked behind you and grabbed your tied hands. Although Spectre's voice showed slight concern you couldn't being yourself to believe he felt that way, "Yeah I'm fine."

The zip tie dropped to the floor and you removed the blindfold from your neck. You looked towards Spectre and noticed how the moonlight outlined his body. Blood dripped onto the ground where his ripper was located, and you stared at the body beside him.

His eyes were dull but his face held a look of hoping almost I could've done something. You heard shuffling behind you and you turned to see Scarecrow. Spectre exited the room and waited outside as you helped Scarecrow. You and Scarecrow exited the room and you looked for Spectre to see him calmly walked down the hallway towards a man. Scarecrow stayed silent as the man tried to move away from Spectre.

He trapped himself in the corner, "please..-" ending him with a bang his body fell limp.

Spectre approached you once more, "If you get caught again and blow the contract don't expect me to always come for you. I'll be around, but I didn't sign the contract to continuously save an amateur."

"Excuse me! --"

"Spectre. If you don't want her work to be more of a bother then train her." rather than getting a response Spectre walked off.


"[Callsign] I need you to report back to the HQ. You and Spectre's presence were requested."

"Copy that, we'll be there soon." you end the call and the VTOL landed. As you walked towards the aircraft Spectre stopped you, "When we arrive you don't tell them anything, got it?"

"Yeah.. I'll try." Spectre stared down at you, "We might want to consider a review of your close combat skills."

Spectre walked towards the aircraft as you did the same. Eventually, you and Spectre entered the VTOL and watched the building fade into the distance.


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