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-Your Point of View-

"I don't detect any movements in the room."

"Hard copy." Spectre stands up from the rooftop and moves towards the building across. Spectre stood beside the door and looked towards you. You give him the thumps up, "Don't let your guard down."

You nod in response as Spectre held a C4 and placed the C4 on the door. Typing on the C4 he moved back and waited. Ten seconds pass and the explosive device blew up. Spectre activated his camo and entered the building. He threw smoke grenades into the room and you turned on your thermal optic.

Timing it right a group of CDP men entered the room but froze. "On my call fire." The group of CDP personnel entered the room alerted with their weapons held out. Their bodies highlighted in orange with a blue and purple hue as you looked through the thermal scope. You watched as Spectre grabbed a man from behind choking him and signaled you to open fire. Using his MR6 Spectre aimed at a man in front of him and fired, as you steadied your aim on the CDP man behind Spectre. With a suppressor the bullet was silenced and fired towards the infantrys' head. You recharged the bolt and fired another bullet at another CDP infantry walking up the steps while Spectre finished the rest after the smoke faded.

"Lets make this quick." You stand up and placed the Locus on your back as you jumped across the building. Landing on the roof you jump down the rooftop and you enter the building. While you placed a black duffle bag on the ground Spectre removed the small cameras and gathered their memory cards. Taking out a laptop from a duffle bag you carried Spectre loaded the video clips into the computer and watched the surveillance from the beginning; meanwhile, skipping ahead to not waste time.

- 09:00 am: June 16, 2070 -

*incoherent voices*

"-head to the HQ. We're on strict orders from the commander."

"Sir, it's dangerous to leave the safe house- "

"The discussion is over. Gather your things before I get a letter from the base."

Audible sounds of chairs being pushed back were heard then footsteps. The door opened and the room becomes silent.

*Clip Ends*

You close the computer as Spectre stood up, "It shouldn't be far from here." Gathering your things you place the duffle bag on your back and follow Spectre. Avoiding the people below or being caught as suspicious you stayed on the roof with Spectre. Spectre moved quicker than you as you struggled jumping from roof to roof. From time to time Spectre would pause for you catch up and if he felt generous he would help lift you up, but that lasted for one more time before he flat out left you behind.

Reaching the roof building you rest for a bit then open the door. Immediately, a putrid smell entered your nose after opening the door. The rotten odor came from a specific room. The door only door open in the room seemed forced open. Turning on the light in the room the light flickered on and off before emitting over a dead man. The man was lying in his own pool of blood, a clean cut on his throat. Similar to Spectre's work you looked at Spectre. So many questions running through your head, knowing Spectre never left your side. Unless it was that time you ate (Favorite Breakfast) and Spectre never bothered you.

Spectre continued to stand by the door as if in thought then moved to the body checking the wound, "The only person able to copy my own work is Black Jack. Telling by the clean cut he used the ripper."

"You know that ripper of yours is very handy." A man in a hoodie with no sleeves walked into the room from another room. How did we not see him? You thought as the unknown man seemed amused while you and Spectre pointed your guns at him before easing.

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