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-Your Point Of View-

Listening to the sound of momentarily beeping you roll to your side, and feel pain come from your stomach. Pausing your actions you sit up and look at your stomach. You were wearing a white button up shirt. Curious if the pain you unbutton the lowest part of the shirt to see your stomach wrapped with white bandages around your lower stomach. IV lines were placed in your left arm and connected to a machine, where a large glass tablet monitored your heart's activity. Looking around the room the walls had a sharp contrast to the sterile white walls.

Filled with high-tech equipment, the room had a long window showing a view. Soon, you were interrupted by a nurse entering the room, "Ohayō Gozaimasu!" the nurse smiled as she neatly placed your clothes on the table, "Good morning" you respond as she walked around the bed and detached the IV lines. A knock was heard at the door and a man walked inside the room. Dress in formal wear he stood beside the doorway.

"Good Morning [Last Name] I'm a free agent in the CIA, ordered by Six-Two to accompany you while you were being released."

The nurse disposed the IV lines then erased your information, "What is today's date?"

"Today is the 9th, Saturday. Five days had passed since you arrived here."

"oh" the nurse touched the glass screen once more and the data on the tablet cleared. She placed the tablet back on the machine, and quietly exited the room.

"I'll wait for you outside the room while you get dressed."

-Spectre's Point Of View-

No one knew of a CIA major's double-dealing so on my own free will I liquidated him, and while his attempt to obtain confidential files of the Winslow Accord failed. The major knew he couldn't afford to be complacent about double-dealing. His main flaw in this type of situation was his uncertainty. It must've been difficult to endure the information in such little time, after knowing the CDP set him up. Having said once I explained the situation to him, his demeanor completely changed.

His lack of will to survive, was nothing but fascinating to witness. Glorious, isn't it? While every liquidation order has their moments. I couldn't help but feel a indescribable feeling. With my careful planning everything went according to plan. But I couldn't kill [Last Name] who stood in the way, I hesitated...

"Spectre I have a new task for you." once I stood in front of the commissioned WA officer he continued, "Regarding the last contract, this contract will be fairly similar. You'll gain intel from the CDP and complete HVT liquidations, But you have to work with a partner, Do you agree with these terms?"

"A partner."

"We're sorry we can't send you alone. Every specialist is participating with a partner. You only know this information but that base is large enough for one to not take on alone. Take it or leave it."

What's the payment?" I prompted

"If the contract is successful your payment will be high. The numbers will increase varying the outcome of the mission..here's the file of your partner." handing me the file I opened it and looked at their profile before seeing their picture.

"I'll accept the contact."

-Your Point of View-

You arrived at your house around 9 o'clock pm. You exited the limousine and walked towards your front door. While you unlocked the door you heard the limousine drive away. Once you got the door unlocked you entered, and walked towards your bathroom. You took off your clothes and changed into something more comfortable.

You brushed your teeth then fell on your bed. Feeling very jet lagged from flying and constantly waiting. You closed your weary eyes and fell asleep.


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