The Plus One

370 14 1

-Spectre's Point of View-

After agreeing to have [Your Name] as my partner my kill counts increased than the normal count. The clients we dealt with were mostly HVTs, easy kills but [Your Name] is more reckless in close combat. Despite her issues we have our next lead on where the target will be at. With some help from [Your Name] I've been suspecting a possible threat from a CDP high rank himself.

There's no doubt the CDP has been targeting [Your Name] from the beginning. It could be from her past operations but I have to do this one on my own.

"[Your Name] I'm going alone." [First Name] looks up and faced me confused.

-Your Point of View-

"What?" Spectre stayed silent as the elevator doors opened, "Spectre, [Last Name] The meeting is starting in 5 minutes." a man waiting beside the elevator quickly says following you and Spectre as you walked towards the direction of the office. Turning a corner the man left you and Spectre alone.

"What did you mean earlier?" you ask Spectre as he gave you a glance, "I'll teach you close combat, but I'm going alone for the next liquidation."

Is this because of last night? And what does my close combat have to do with the situation, "My close combat skills aren't that bad.."

"- I mean considering the fact you handle everything at a close range I'm fine with watching you do the heavy lifting." you and Spectre reached the meeting room but Spectre paused, "and with your recklessness in our last mission you as my partner and still breathing is reward enough."

You were speechless and watched as Spectre opened the door and held it open for you. Letting out a heavy sigh you walk towards an open seat and sit down. Spectre followed you and sat beside you to your left.

"What's your current status report."

"We've received mostly trivia information," Spectre placed the USB on the table, "The information on the USB didn't serve much use, but help us find get our target's location. The issue we're currently dealing with is how we'll execute our second to final mission with the acknowledgment of the CDP targeting [Your Name]."

"With [Last Name] being a sniper and having a record of her kills from the past...I suggest you locate any files from the CDP and destroy the files. Then you would have an advantage on your plans."

The meeting was long and you eventually stopped listening to the higher ups as they discussed the same topic but with their opinions. You passed the rest of your time staring out the large window. Where the recruits were training. Every enlistened personnel standing in a aligned formation, chin up, chest out, shoulders back, stomach in, and hands parallel to the pant's seam facing forward. Closer to the window there stood guards who whole heartedly chatted away as you listened to the most respected higher ups.

"Well that's all I had for today. Any question?"

"Oh sir! I wanted to discuss the contract with you."

"What of it."

"On certain parts of a liquidation I can't get a confirm kill when in close combat with Spectre." Explaining the situation with Spectre the commander looked at Spectre to see him amused, is this a joke? The commander asks himself as you finish.

"Step up to my game, babe." Spectre leaned over to you and whispered. Gasping at Spectre the commander shook his head, "Spectre wouldn't fail the same mission he was assigned to twice. This discussion is over."

The Last Operation (Spectre x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now