Rude Awakening

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-Scarecrow's Point of View-


Objective: Assist Callsign Spectre and [Callsign Name] in breaching the CDP base.

Spectre has recently requested my assistance with handling the CDP base North West from my position. I didn't bother questioning their actions, but I gathered my squad waiting for the green light from [Callsign Name].

-Your Point of View-

"This is their security building." You say as you stopped behind a tree. Spectre glanced at you then stood up, "Call out my kills as they drop."

Not given a chance to reply Spectre walked towards the building while you stayed beside the tree in confusion. Standing up you moved away from the tree and quietly ran towards the entrance. Spectre appeared behind a CDP personnel and grabbed him. Spectre placed his MR6 under his jaw then fired.

Two CDP officers were immediately alerted and looked towards noise grabbing their KN-44s in the process. They aimed towards Spectre then fired as Spectre used CDP personnel as shield. Spectre aimed his MR6 at the CDP officer and fired as the CDP officer fell on one knee. Spectre quickly released the body then grabbed the injured personnel's KN-44 keeping his grip on the barrel; meanwhile, aiming the MR6 at the second CDP officer's leg.

You switched your attention towards the perimeter, and located two snipers on the roof. You steadied your aim then pulled the trigger hitting the sniper to your right. You moved the scope to the second sniper, but they were alerted. Without hesitation you pulled the trigger hitting the wall behind him.

Spectre faced the injured CDP officer and fired the MR6 at his head. Spectre took the KN-44 and aimed it at the second CDP officer. As the CDP officer was kneeling he raised his KN-44 but Spectre kicked his weapon. From the stairs another CDP personnel aimed at Spectre and fired. Spectre evaded to his right and fired a few rounds in retaliation.

Spectre steadied his aim and fired but the CDP officer next to him grabbed his weapon. Spectre kicked the CDP officer then reached for his combat knife. He placed the knife into his thigh. You entered the room after the sniper battle and you aimed your locus at the CDP officer reloading his weapon on the stairs and fired.

You walked towards Spectre and placed your Locus beside the window. Spectre handed you his MR6 and he aimed the KN-44 at the CDP now laying on the ground. "What is this place?" you ask as the CDP officer was in pain.

"This place is a storage room for our weapons. Our commander commanded a small group to have it guarded." he responds.

You look towards Spectre. He nodded his head, then you fire the MR6.

Moving towards the window you started to set up your Locus. You look back to see Spectre exit the building, "I'm heading towards the HVT."

Spectre left and you checking the scope, activating the optical feed, "I'm in position, Scarecrow your squad can enter the AO near the back."

"Copy that." Scarecrow says as you switch to Spectre so only he can hear you, "Optic scanner activated. Locus is set up."

"Good, send me the optical feed." syncing to Spectre's UI the live feed was successfully sent him. Giving him access to see footage from your scope, "I'll fire on your signal."

"Make your bullets count."



You had multiple blind spots on the AO, as you kept your focus on the open areas. Suddenly, you noticed a black dot through the scope. It wasn't long before you realised the black dot was a R.A.P.S. deployment ship. You quickly switched to Scarecrow, "Scarecrow you need to leave the AO there's a R.A.P.S. deployment ship advancing on your position!"

On the other line Scarecrow picked up as the R.A.P.S. deployment ship now hovered above the building. On the other line you heard static and heard a loud bang hit the ground as more followed after. Multiple robotic gears shifted then the chains began rotating creating a loud sound as the R.A.P.S. rolled with a beeping noise.

-Scarecrow's Point of View-

"Everyone move!" my squad began running and we entered a large glass room.

"Stay away from the windows!" I yell and as if on cue the R.A.P.S. blew up near the windows. The glass shattered and more R.A.P.S. entered the room aimlessly blowing up. I stumbled back and watched as my comrades' body fell limp. I stared at the body frightened knowing one of my best men were taken out. I could hear him struggle to breathe then I approach his body, kneeling. He never moved and I removed his nametag holding it before standing up.

-Your Point of View-

"I'm still getting paid, right?" a comrade of Scarecrow says.

"You'll be lucky if I let you live." Spectre says nonchalant and walks outside.

"Where's scarecrow?" you question as he look frightened. He never responded and you walk out the building approaching Spectre, "I'm going back for Scarecrow."

"You're going to get yourself killed." ignoring Spectre you walk towards the AO.


Holding your ICR-1 close you walked down the corridors which was eerily quiet. You turned a corner then heard voices grow loud. Entering a broken down glass room you quickly enter the storage room inside.

In the dark you find Scarecrow leaning against the wall, "So this is where you've been." Spectre appeared beside you as voices outside get loud then pass.

Before you could hide behind the shelves in time the door clicked. Spectre pulled you towards him as you both hit the ground. Spectre activated his active camo, as you looked at Spectre with a shocked expression. You could feel his body on yours, but you were unable to see him. With small movements you try to move into a comfortable position until Spectre held you down. A CDP personnel entered as three remained outside.

Unable to see you and Spectre in the dark he left, "This room is clear. Tell the boss they're dead." the door closed and Spectre appeared, "Get moving."

You and Spectre stood up and parted from each other as you walked to the door. The knob twisted and a janitor stood staring at you.

"How did you get in here?" the janitor asks as you questioningly stared at him. 'what's a janitor doing here?'

-First Point of View-

Unarmed, duct tape on my mouth, hands tied behind my back, and seated on the cold ground happened because of a janitor. What were the chances of being caught by a janitor -

Hearing the door click then the knob twist Scarecrow was thrown to the ground. I sit up straight 'I can't tell if the blood is new or from the R.A.P.S. incident.' A CDP officer entered with two men on each side of him.

"I'll be back to interrogate you in a minute, don't get too comfortable." Scarecrow laughed, "Just pathetic." you stared at Scarecrow shocked then looked towards the CDP leader.

"When I return I'll be more than glad to kill you with my own hands, but right now I have to be somewhere." The officer exits the room.

"Before I leave, put a blindfold on them. I want four guards inside and outside of the room!"

"Yes sir!" one soldier stood above you and placed the blindfold over your eyes.


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