Masquerade Party

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-The Next Day-

Hearing a notification sound you look at your arm seeing a blinking indicator. Opening the notification a hologram appears above the device.

"As your last orders from the CIA and requested by the Winslow Accord's XO (Executive Officer) there'll be a debriefing involving you. As well as your required presence at a masquerade party filled with civilians. The minister is attending at the party and your objective is to protect the civilians from any disturbances."

The hologram glitches before disappearing. You glanced at the time then make your way to the bathroom. You turned the light on and walked to the shower turning it on then adjusting the temperature. Removing your clothes you entered the shower as your mind went blank. You let out a sigh feeling the water fall from your body. I can't believe I failed that mission.

-Spectre's Point of View-

-WAIA Party-

Things with the Winslow Accord doesn't seem to come off as they planned. Originally I accepted a contract, but the contracts' liquidation orders weren't filled for execution...yet. They agreed I remained a free agent until then, and had a short briefing for me to attend a masquerade ball. Only to attain intel I was accompanied with callsigns Ruin, and Battery seated in a more private area.

"The CDP minister has finally arrived." Ruin speaks into the earpiece. He and Battery stood on either side of the minister once he entered the building while undercover CDP infantry followed closely behind. Civilians were parted from the walkway of the Minister by an expensive red and gold rope barrier, "Sir, they're here." Spectre spoke to the minister as he nodded.

Escorting the minister towards the meeting room ruin reached the door first and opened it as battery remained outside by the door. Once the minister entered the room Ruin looked into the room one last time then closed it standing by the door. On the opposite side of the CDP minister there was a fancy singular couch the minister sat in. What the CDP hadn't known was me standing behind them watching silently as they discussed the issue.

"So what's the deal? Why are we here?"

-Your Point of View-

Wearing (Your Ideal Attire) with a matching masquerade mask you stood by the Buffet area. Idly you look around the building taking in your surroundings, then you cautiously look at your attire, I wonder if my pistol is showing? Unsure of what to question you look over at the civilians. Touching the mini earpiece in your ear canal a beep was heard and your stomach dropped. That could only mean one thing either you turned off the device or you switched to a different communication server.

As to not be suspicious and dig in your ear to figure out that beep you casually turn to the buffet to get a glass of champagne. As you picked up the glass from the server a loud male voice shouted "He's been shot!"

Whose been shot? The minister? Looking throughout the crowd you hadn't seen any sort of disturbance with the civilians but a man approaching you.

"May I have this dance?" The man spoke in a raspy voice. You glanced up at him, This is one way to blend in right? But who was shot. With slight hesitation you nodded at the man in a black tuxedo and matching mask.

"I'll lead." he spoke offering you his hand. You placed your hand onto his, following him to the ballroom like dance floor. He pulled you closer to his body and moved his hand to your waist. You placed your hand onto his shoulder seeing the height difference. While he guided you in dancing you felt his well toned body. Although you made sure to move in sync with his movements while your attention focused on anything but the man holding you.

Looking around the room in search for someone suspicious the man placed his hand under your chin and lifted your face to his. In shock you blush meeting his mysterious eyes.

"I know you're in our server." He whispered only leaving you confused. Before you could respond the man completely closed the gap between you and himself, "God damnit Spectre! Our mission was to prevent the minister from getting shot!" The familiar male voice yelled into the earpiece again, but sounded more irritated than before. What had made your freeze blood run cold was what the man holding you said, "That's not what the briefing told me."

Your eyes widened as his voice echoed into the earpiece and your grip on his shoulder tightened. The man leaned closer to your ear, "Pathetic." Spectre says staring to the left as his head was on your right side. Very close to your face you slowly look at what he was staring at to see a man quickly passing people. He grabbed his MR6 from his jacket and pointed it at the same man who was currently bumping shoulders with the civilians.

With a quiet bang the man fell and Spectre moved his MR6 into his jacket pocket. Spectre...? You stood silently standing in the same place Spectre left you. "Sir are you okay?" Distant voices spoke while the room grew with chatter. Soon a scream was heard as blood quickly left its bullet wound and created a pool.


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