The Last Operation

203 7 2

4 days later



Objective: Retrieve a flash drive from target

Affiliations: CDP

Analytics: Winslow Accord, CDP

Tags: NULL


"Almost." Back pressed against the wall you toggle your single fire and peak around the corner to see two guards and four more guards not far. Holding a flashbang you peak on more time and roll the grenade towards them.


"Hey what is that?"

"Intruder on sight- !!"

Moving away from the shadows you aim your (weapon choice) and aim at their heads firing while walking. Running towards the next room you pull out your clip and check the bullets...20 left. Putting your hand on the door knob you open the door while kneeling and peek inside to see no one. Quickly running inside you search for the flash drive when someone shoved you to the wall. Hitting the back of your knee you kneeled struggling against the attacker.

"Forgive me for this." Spectre says as you looked towards the ground and rested your head on the wall. "Get off." Spectre didn't loosen his grip as you slowly reached for your EMP. Setting off the EMP both you and Spectre's systems glitched harming the both of you as the sharp noise from your piece kept going off. Looking for the black shadow you both stood prepared to fight. Running towards him you stepped on the his inner thigh and wrapped both your legs around his neck and slammed in against the table. As you swinged yourself off his body and landed on the ground looking at him. Grabbing your combat knife you realised the person wasn't spectre but a bodyguard.

"I'm sorry to do this." Spectre's voice says behind you.' asshole' you clenched your fist then you were knocked out.

- Two Hours Later -

Spectre stood in front of you staring at you while you sat patiently. Your arms were tied behind the chair and your eyes closed. You listened to the light breeze sounds and the thrusters of the wraith. Footsteps caught your attention as they continued towards your way. If you've gave Spectre's affiliations a hard thought you wouldn't have guessed why he betrayed the Winslow Accord. You knew it was out of question to know who the CDP leader Spectre worked with. Feeling uneasy your breathing paused before you breathed out. Opening your eyes as if you've done something wrong you stared at Spectre's boots then followed up his legs, chest, then his helmet. His arms crossed his chest and he stepped aside for another man to come into view. He was dressed in dark grey with a SVG-100 sniper hanging on his back. His helmet had a GPNVG-18 covering his eyes until he pulled it up. He wore a ski mask that covered most of his face. For a brief moment you made eye contact and you looked towards the ground.

The man walked closer to your chair and you just realised you grew nervous hearing his footsteps. Seeing his boots stop in front of your sight you froze. His hand held the chair next to your right should and he kicked the chair's leg. You hit the ground wincing and making eye contact with the man. You looked to the side closing your eyes and breathing heavily until Spectre stood above you grabbing his combat knife and kneeling to your level, cutting the rope that held you to the chair.

Spectre grabbed your right arm and pulled you towards himself guiding you towards the edge of the aircraft, "[Your Name]"

"Join the CDP and you can live...your opportunity to live resides with me if you join my side." Troy spoke as you stood in thought. Spectre glanced at Troy and looked back to you. "They're going to use you again don't let it repeat itself -"

The Last Operation (Spectre x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now