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-The Next Day-
10:00 am

Opening the door to the meeting room you were greeted by the CIA major sitting at a round table. The Winslow Accords' XO (Executive officer) sat across from the major as two high ranked officers also sat at the table. Standing beside a large screen the Winslow Accords' commissioner stood. The major noticed you and stood up, "Spectre, [Callsign Name] take a seat so we can get started."

Spectre? Looking around the room you see a man stand beside the WA's XO. He stood silently before walking towards an open seat. He pulled the chair out and sat down as you walked towards the only avaible chair beside him. Once you sat down the major cleared his throat.

"The commander has made the situation very clear, and requested a meeting with you two. [Last Name] this is a very important task. You're a highly specialized sniper and we need you to work with Spectre to gain Intel on the CDP -"

"Sir, I really don't think we should assign [Callsign Name] to this contract. It wouldn't be ideal if they got caught. I mean she's a sniper she holds a lot of Intel from her past operations."

"I suspect Spectre and [Last Name] won't make this type of mistake," he says in a serious voice while looking directly at Spectre, "The file I'm sending contains the contract details for Operation: Warfare. It's a risky task but we need the Intel. Consider the alternative."

Sliding a physical file on the table to you, "[Last Name] will you sign the contract?"

"The contract?"

"Yes the contract. The conditions for the contract will be to work with Spectre." gesturing to the man beside you. You glanced at him, "Your main goal is to gain intel from the CDP in any way possible. You have the free will to liquidate any HVT as long as it relates to the contact. Of course this requires patience, careful planning, and complying to work with Spectre."

"Your joking right? I mean him as my partner I don't think that's possible."

"Ms. [Last Name] all professionalism aside but we need you on this contract. You were apart of the top tier team in the CIA before you dropped out. You both have the patience, and you specifically have the experience. Spectre has the perfect qualities for this operation which is timing, and precision, but he needs a partner to help him out. We picked you because we know you won't bring him down."

Picking up the pen you signed the contract this is nothing but business

"Spectre, [Last Name] I've secured use of a decommissioned Orbital Launch Base, as a safe house. Plenty of space there. When can you get started?"

"Within the week, we'll send more info on our whereabouts. Until then we'll stay off the radar." you hear Spectre speak until you wondered into your thoughts. Thinking of your past with your old team wondering if they were alive. You hoped they were okay, but you knew the team must've been dead. After you left the team you were assigned to train new bloods.

You forgot the feeling of holding a sniper. Once everyone exited the room you were left alone, "I don't know if I can do this." Standing up you pushed the chair in and paused when you saw Spectre.

"I don't like the idea of a CIA agent working alongside with me, but.." Spectre paused and stood in front of you, "your work seems promising." feeling the table on your lower back Spectre trapped you. You can almost feel his body on yours as he continued, "If you interfere with our liquidation and ruin the plan I won't hesitate to end your life." his voice sent shivers down your spine as he moved away from you and walked towards the door, "If you're unsure of your work then you should consider a new line of work."

Hearing his footsteps and the door close you felt speechless. what did I get myself into


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