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-The Next Day-

You were picked up as an order from the Winslow Accords' commissioner, and you were seated in a Mothership. Ruin, and Battery sat next to each other in the gunner seats chatting away. As you and Spectre sat in the passenger seats. Placed in the center there was cargo boxes tied down along with GI units kept away from the load carrying ramp. As you waited to arrive at the Winslow Accords' safe house location, you opened your UI on your forearm.

You accessed your file and the mini screen displayed your skill assets. You tapped on the screen and opened the contract details when you felt the Mothership shake. Everyone brushed it off until the right lower engine began smoking then gave out. Ruin and Battery turned their attention to the screens. "I don't see anything- " before Battery could finish her sentence both the turrents were destroyed.

Ruin opened the Mothership's control panel and the loading ramp opened after a few flicks. The WA GI units were activated and they approached the edge of the Mothership's loading ramp.

"Ruin, watch out!" Battery yelled and tackled Ruin as a CDP wraith came into view and fired. You and Spectre hid behind the cargo boxes and few GI units were hit. Once the wraith stopped firing the GI units jumped onto the wraith and attacked its engines. The wraith fired again, but it began to swerve, with smoke on its left wing and it lost its acceleration.

"The CDP must know our location, we have no other choice but to jump." Ruin says.

"We'll regroup if we split up."

Ruin and Battery were the first to jump, you looked around and realised you were the last to jump. Once you jumped off the ramp you looked around

They straight up left me! You let out a frustrated sigh hesitating as you watched the commotion of explosions occurring. This is nothing comparable to the CIA in action. I'll be killed before this mission star-

Surprised, the mothership shook and the engines exploding had been louder than before alerting you. Glancing back at the mothership you then focused your attention to the opened loading ramp, running then jumping off the ramp. It had been your leap of faith to save yourself from death reaching you. At the time you knew your life was at risk if you hadn't jumped, but without a plan in mind, you felt naïve. The brightness of the sky urged you to shield your eyes, your ear drum set off and you no longer heard the harsh blows of the wind.

Raising your arm from your covered eyes, you held your ear while you breathed heavily. Although your hearing returned gradually everywhere, you looked there was no safe landing nearby as trees was everywhere you looked. Setting your grip on the pin, you pulled it, opening a black Ram Air parachute canopy. The parachute pulled your body backward, breaking the force of your fall.

Nothing but stress filled your mind at the whole situation as you knew for certain Spectre had a hatred against you after that talk. Quick with landing scenarios, some not being the most optimistic. You perceived it would not be a nice landing, and as you continued to consider where you would land the Mothership above you had been flying straight to the ground behind you. One engine still whirling while all four engines had black smoke fade into the sky the engine had stopped itself, letting the Mothership spiral out of control. Parts from the motors snapped off as one flat piece made way to you hitting your parachute's stabilizer.

With a sharp jerk the parachute had curled inward, the suspension lines followed as a chain reaction. The parachute failed in its form, and you were losing orientation. You looked up and saw the suspension lines tangle as the parachute gores deform. You were in dismay as you fell at a daunting momentum, incapable to see. With difficulty you switched on your UI and struggled to pull the parachute into its position again. Your UI displayed the ground level as your body rotated with each tug the parachute had given up and clung to your body. Everything slowed down, and your mind was blank. You needed to get out of this situation, but you couldn't concentrate. Losing the air in your system a painful object crashed into your side your current momentum now doubled its speed. Your eyes widened and when you tried to glace at the object, the parachute had smacked your helmet covering your vision.

The parachute that clung to your body had loosened, and something had detached your parachute from your body. Just then you felt arms wrap around your body and another parachute get set off pulling you back. With little time for the parachute to open, you collided with a large tree branch. Air was knocked out your system again, and you coughed. your UI started to rapidly beep as the weight above you pulled you down and gravity pulled your body downward to the ground.

Hitting more branches, you moved your hands to what felt like shoulders and you tightened your grip. The pain unbearable you moved closer to the object when a branch had hit your helmet's screen. Fear consumed your thoughts as the sound of your helmet cracking entered your ears a slight gasp left your lips. Your fingers trembled and the arms around you had moved your head to their chest. Your vision blocked from the multiple cracks. You and the person had stopped moving causing your mind to wonder before it occured to you the parachute had been caught on the branches. Hearing a click you and the person fell to the ground and you landed on something hard and you knew it was GI unit you landed on. I'll have keep this GI unit with me. You felt like your life was in debt of this GI unit which had just saved your life.

A cough left your lips as your heart squeezed, your back ached, and your sides felt sore. Your UI displayed a red blinking indicator of your now damaged Armored Suit. Your eyes remained closed, while you inhaled and exhaled. Your head rested on the GI unit without question until the thought of it being someone's actual chest entered your thoughts.

Lifting your arm to your view of vision you looked at the multiple scratches tainting the carbon design on your forearm. A small crack in your helmet ruined the oxygen it consumed. Placing your hand under your neck the helmet was removed and relief filled you as fresh air entered your lungs. Letting out a shaky breath you looked at the GI unit. Spectre? Your eyes widened. With what remaining strength you had you attempted to lift yourself when his hand pulled you back down holding your side, "Stop." A deep raspy voice spoke.


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