Brief Acknowledgment

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-Spectre's Point of View-
June 03, 2070

So far as infiltrating the CDP central command center, well guarded by multiple CDP men. I realised the contract was a no go. Originally this contract was only directed to me but after seeing how many guards remained, I couldn't get their pattern right. I waited patiently for another hour then I left the AO, while reporting this to the commander.

I left without leaving a trace and with little knowledge of the CDP facility. I ended the contract with the commander and I've gone off the grid. Reaching the safe house I entered the room and placed my equipment on a table. Activating my ripper I inspected the blades and began cleaning them until I received a notification.

Opening the notification it was a kill order of a man named Braxton Collin and his street name, Hoza. Looking through his file I accepted it then turned the screen off. After the blades were cleaned I sheathed them then I began preparing for the liquidation.

-After the Liquidation-
-Third Point of View-

Spectre sheathed his ripper and pulled away from [Your Name], as she lost her consciousness Spectre caught her in his arms. Spectre supported her body and gently laid her on the grass. Looking down at her peaceful state, he remembered her beautiful (Eye Color) eyes and how her eyelashes perfectly matched her eyes.

Parting from her, Spectre stood up and left leaving the AO.


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