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- ??? Point of View -

This time I'm choosing the time and place, Spectre. You'll never know what's coming.

"Sir, yesterday Kaiden Black was found dead. There's no doubt it was Spectre's work." Placing a file on the table pictures of the crime scene slipped from the folder.

"It looks very similar to his work...but sloppy. Still very admirable work." Glancing away from the file he stood up and looked through a glass window.

"Is the team on set?"

"Yes sir. They've found the aircraft and are currently following it. On your command they'll open fire."

- Spectre's Point of View -

Blackjack had mentioned meeting a high ranked officer. He unspecified his name and rank...avoiding it, but gave us enough intel to know he was the lead commissioner for a small CDP group. Poorly handled and filled with inexperienced soldiers...Blackjack believed he had created the group to learn about the contract. After Blackjack killed that man we'll never know his real intentions, only his poorly managed group can suffice as evidence for a no go operative team.

"What is that on the radar."

"Hmm...Looks like a..Missile!" Moving the cyclic pitch lever to the left the Wraith swerved as the co-pilot released flares. The missiles blew up shortly after the flares was released as another missile appeared on the radar.

"Spectre! (Callsign)! We're getting targeted and we don't see any other aircraft!"

"On it.." I respond while [First Name] gathered her gear. Suddenly, the Wraith lost its balance. The left thruster was hit and the pilots tried to maintain the balance only to spin out of control.

- Your Point of View -

The wraith crashed landing on top of the trees destroying its surroundings as some trees were on the ground. Dust was everywhere as you looked around. Your vision often turned white while breathing was hard. Looking up with a blurry vision a group of men approached the crash site. What seemed like the leader he moved his hand in the air. Everyone stopped walking then his hand created a fist, his squad spread out. He stayed put waiting for his squad to be in hiding, "This should be an easy task."

Laying on the ground two boots stopped beside you. Looking up at the person, Spectre held his hand out. Placing your hand on his he pulled you up and handed you his MR6. "Throw the smoke grenades. Equip your thermals." as the leader ordered smoke grenades were thrown, "Don't let them see you."

Walking into the smoke with your awareness up Spectre ran and used the thrust jump sliding towards their bravo team. Stopping beside the man Spectre used his elbow hitting his face. Grabbing his weapon the one beside him was alerted until Spectre fired. Standing up he used his active camo, "Bravo do you have have a sight on him?"

"Bravo do you copy!" disconnecting to the communication server, "Bravo is down. Everyone keep your guard up!" you ran towards the Wraith. It's left thruster smoking as the right thruster was broken off. Entering the aircraft you ran towards the pilots to see them dead. You picked up the radio until a hand grabbed your hand, "I-I *cough* already...called." in a weak and shaky voice the pilot released your hand.

Removing his seat belt you help him out of the small area. Going back for he second pilot you check for any signs of life; meanwhile, Spectre appeared behind their alpha team. Spectre shanked the man closest to him, his blade going through his chest then retracting the blade. A man witnessing the whole thing activated an EMP and threw it. Spectre used his active camo until it went off disabling everyone's systems.

The Last Operation (Spectre x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now