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-Spectre's Point of View-

The building was set on fire and I stood up holding my side. Breathing heavily, I watched the flames spread, and regain my strength as I walk through the fire. My systems remained stable as the overheat function increased and displayed how much time I had left in the fire. I placed my hand on the knob and forced the door open. I search the area to see Firebeak in the distance walking towards a Mothership, and carrying (Callsign).

"Spectre keep your ass away from that Mothership! Our current objective is to help the injured!" Ruin yelled into the call.

"I suggest you speak for yourself Ruin. It isn't my part to clean up the mess you amateurs dully created. I have my own objective and Firebreak will die."

"Firebreak is your fuckin' objective!"

"Getting my partner is my objective." I looked over the area and saw the Mothership's rear loading ramp open. Firebeak continued towards the Mothership, and CDP hostiles heavily guarded the area.

"So [Last Name] actually made you acknowledge the partner thing. Just a heads up I won't be assisting your ass."

"Yes...stay out of my way."

I disconnected myself from the communication server and creep behind an unsuspecting CDP hostile. Swiftly, I placed my Ripper into his stomach. He let out a cough before getting muffled by my hand covering his mouth. Retracting my blade he fell to his knees while I released his body. A step of footsteps alerted me and I activated my active camo slowly making my way towards the unsuspecting target who patrolled the area.

The buzzing sounds emitted the surrounding giving away my position before my ripper met his chest. Remaining in the shadows I check my MR6 removing the magazine before attaching it again. One full clip was all I had along with my ripper. Merely a challenge...lets keep this a incisive situation. Quick footsteps ran towards the spot two dead bodies laid and his voice becoming audible, "...appears like the two infantry guarding the area are De -" choking and blood dripping from his throat he fell to his knees as I kneeled to his level. Grabbing his head, "Watch me work Firebreak, and follow my trail of corpses."

"Spectre's here !!!" A voice yelled into the headset and I dropped the body. Standing up I run ahead the building giving the night more shadows as I ran. Sliding on the mud using my thrusters for momentum I fired my MR6 at a hostile 20 meters away and another one infront of my view. Standing up my blade entered his lower right stomach and I tilted the ripper before forcing it out. Another two CDP infantry aimed their assault rifles towards me and fired.

Using the body I held as shield I aimed the MR6 at his hand and fired. Turning towards the second one I fired at his body hitting his helmet twice breaking through the armor. He fell to the ground motionless as the one I held fell forward and I ran towards the injured infantry using the thrust jump to get a high altitude into the air. Looking up from his hand still holding it he watched as I reached for my sword. Angling it till the sword would plunge into his shoulder close to his chest I fell towards the geound. The sword pierced his shoulder and I held my MR6 to his head. My foot on his chest he reached his hands out attempting to cover his face, "Never a dull moment than the trill of killing." I fired the MR6 then look towards the Mothership which hovered above the ground. I pulled my sword from the man's shoulder, blood sliding down the sharp blade then dripping to the ground.

Standing in silence beeping was heard from the infantry I killed and I picked up the device, "Spectre if you hadn't realised yet...I've been trying to kill (Callsign) before they joined the Winslow Accord. My men were there when Hoza was your HVT and I was glad to witness you kill (Callsign) but it didn't take."

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