s i x t e e n

915 41 4

The window is scattered with droplets of water as I stare out of it. I'm on the second floor, so I have a somewhat large view, or bigger than the one on the first floor. I can see hills, lined with packed areas of trees, a little distance away. There's nobody out, so the usually-packed streets are desolate and look as if they're abandoned. Everyone will be inside, warm and happy. I may be inside, but my body still feels cold, and I am sure as hell not happy. 

It's a weird feeling, depression. It's not being sad, being sad would be nice. It's more of a numb, empty feeling. A feeling of there being nothing and no point or reason. It's as if my brain is just shutting down and giving up. I do still cry, but not sad tears, I don't know what kind of tears. Just tears; with no meaning behind.  

What I don't expect to see is anyone outside, but I see something that could be a person. My eyes are bleary now, glazed over with newly shed tears. Just tears; with no meaning behind. I see something, someone, not too far of. The only thing my eyes allow me to see is an unfocused, fully black, blob. I rub my eyes, moistening the skin of the back of my hands, only to see nothing when I look again for the person. 

 It's probably nothing, my mind does weird things to me nowadays, so I wouldn't be surprised if it had been a figure of my imagination. Who would want to be out in this weather anyway? I see no joy in being uncomfortably wet as the sky pours down and lets out its own load of tears. If someone can enjoy being out in the rain, maybe they can enjoy being with me. Now that's a funny joke. The rain is like sunshine in comparison to me.

This chapter is short and shit, just like me. Sorry, I just had a little bit of time and wanted something up cause I didn't update yesterday. Might do another update later today, but probably not.

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