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"I seriously don't understand why it' so rainy in England. It's July for fuck's sake!" Dan states, holding his hands out and looking up, a slight bit of water now pooling in his hands.

"Dan, you just swore."

"Shit! I mean, shut up." He says, throwing the water from his hands onto me, though it doesn't make a difference, as I'm already fairly soaked. "Can we just go home? rain is crap!" He asks while pulling on a waterproof coat, which was probably from in his bag.

"What? Rain is great! Yeah, it's wet, but it's like everything is being washed clean. It just feels fresh, and also smells fresh, but that's not exactly the point I'm trying to make."

"I suppose, but it's also uncomfortable and dismal."

"Only if you think about it as being dismal. If you think about it with a positive headspace; then it's great."

"I'm not very good at being positive." He responds with a quiet laugh.

"Maybe I just need to show you, then," I tell him, but I'm not sure if we're actually talking about the rain now, or something different.

"Maybe you will." Hey answers, a little smile spread across his face, causing his dimples to show.

"Can I take you somewhere?"

"Depends on where."

"It's a place I like to go when it rains. It'll be suuuper romantic, so you kinda have to come."

"If you insist."

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