f o u r t y t h r e e

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We enter his flat, and my eyes wander. The walls are grey, a corridor going straight down to what I can only guess is a living room, or dining room, or both. The corridor has doors either side, leading into different rooms. It's almost identical to the layout of my flat. There are a few posters and knick-knacks around, all black or grey. 

"Uh, the bathroom is there, if you need it." He says, pointing towards the closest room to the front door.

He leads me down the corridor, looking as if he was reaching his hand out to mine, then flinching away. It's probably nothing, he's a punk. He couldn't possibly like me romantically. I still can't believe he likes me at all. I wouldn't be objected to him liking me romantically. Maybe that's an understatement- it definitely is.

At the end, there's a living room and dining room like I thought. The sofa is black, table black, seats white. Everything is bland, which isn't a problem, but it's different to my flat for sure. It's also bigger, a crap tonne bigger. How the fuck does he have this kind of money?

He sits down on the sofa, patting next to him to signal for me sit next to him. I do so, and initially, the proximity between us is almost non-existent, but not uncomfortable. I move a little away from him in case he feels awkward about it.

"Oh sorry, I-" He starts.

"It's fine, I just thought you'd want space."

"I don't mind- I mean, you can move closer, or, uh, I don't know."

"Okay," I say with a giggle, moving back up to him, our shoulders almost touching, but not quite. "You're a good friend." I tell him, resting my head on his shoulder. He might shove me away from him for this, but it's worth a shot.

"How come? I'm really not much."

"I don't know, I've never had a friend before because pretty much everyone else hates me for who I am. You're a good person, or maybe you're just crazy."

"Someone doesn't have to be crazy to like you. I think they're crazy not to like you."

I blush. "The pastel and the punk. What an unlikely duo."

"Yeah, but I like it."

"Same. Now, are you gonna turn on the bloody tv?" 

He laughs and turns it on, opening Netflix and putting on some anime which I've forgotten the name of.

"You like anime?" 

"Y-yeah, is that a problem?" He asks in a sudden panic.

"No, it's a good thing. 

He lets out a relieved gasp and we watch, my head still on his shoulder despite the awkward angle to watch the tv at, but I don't want this moment to end.

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