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When I get out of the shower, a towel around my waist, I step into the bedroom and see my pyjamas placed on the bed, along with one of Phil's hoodies. I smile to myself and blush. He does nice things for me, and I do nothing for him. I'm such a shit person.

I block the thought out of my mind and just appreciate what Phil has done, putting on the pyjamas and then the hoodie, which reaches down to near my knees. The massive black hoodie is practically drowning me, but it's nice. It'd be nicer to actually drown, but this is nice too. What's even nicer than the both of those things is Phil.

Once changed, I migrate towards the living room, where Phil is sat on the sofa, watching something I haven't seen before.

"Hey," I say in a soft and slightly croaky voice, looking at him through squinted eyes.

"Hi, I'm gonna take a shower now, if that's okay."

"Yeah, of course."

He stands up and makes his own way to the bathroom, just as I had done before. The hoodie smells like Phil, which I'm thankful for. It's like a substitute for hugging, as we can't always hug. Well, we could, but he'd get annoyed about it.

I pull the hood over my head to hide my post shower hair from nobody but myself, pulling the sleeves as far as they'll go over my hands. My eyes drift shut, suddenly tore open again when thunder roars again. It's an irrational fear, and I know it, but I hate thunder storms. Tears leave my eyes before I can even think about stopping them, and I wipe them away with the sleeves of Phil's hoodie.

It's stupid, I'm fine, I think to myself, closing my eyes again and resting the side of my head on the arm rest of the sofa. 

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