f o u r t y s e v e n

716 35 19

the last chapter was bad but this is even worse, sorry lmao ;)

I wake up and it's brighter outside than what it usually is at 7 am. I check my phone.

"Shit," I mumble under my breath. It's 4 pm. My alarm didn't go off.

How the fuck did I sleep in for 9 hours? School is already over. Instantly I pick up my phone and call Dan. I was planning on telling him how I feel today. I have the tiniest bit of hope that he feels the same, and I'm going off of that. He's too good for me, but it's what I need, so fuck it! Even if he doesn't feel the same, I'll ask him to not let it make things awkward. I don't want to lose my only friend, but I don't want to keep this a secret. Yes, I, Phil Lester the punk, have a crush on the pastel boy.


"Hey! Sorry, I wasn't in school today, I slept in. How are you?"

"I don't really know, something weird happened today."

I have a smile plastered on my face that I doubt can be altered. I love speaking to Dan. I love Dan.


"Well, uh, you know Anthony?"

"What did he do to you?" I ask, concerned.

"Nothing bad, he, well he asked me to be his boyfriend."

My smile drops. 

"What did you say?"


I drop the phone, picking it up quickly and apologising.

"Anyway, what did you call me about?"

"Just to apologise for not being there tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I spent the day with Anthony."

"I'm happy for you, Dan. That's really great news!" I say, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

"Yeah," His voice doesn't sound fully convincing, but whose does after school? 

"Bye then."


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