f o u r t y

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Thursday rolls around and I walk to the art lesson with Dan. I honestly can't do art for shit so this is going to be fun, having to capture the beautiful appearance of Dan with my crappy artistic skill. We're both laughing at something stupid while we're walking, causing a few people to look oddly at us, and then Dan speaks up again, fixing his white flower crown while doing so.

"What noise would a Nintendo ambulance make?"

"What the fuck- uh, no idea."


"Oh my god." I laugh, covering my face and looking at him through the gaps between my fingers.

We enter the classroom and the tables are set out so that two people sit opposite each other, so we sit at one of the few that are left. 

Art supplies are handed out, and we're told to start, though, I have absolutely no idea how to do so. Why can't we just do boring stuff like usual? Drawing fucking bowls of fruit.

"So, we should probably, like, do one at a time so that it's easier."

"Do you want to go first?"

"You can if you want."

"Yeah, sure, let's get this shit over with."

I start by attempting to vaguely sketch Dan, which takes about 10 minutes of constantly rubbing out and redrawing until I get something that looks mildly human.

"This isn't fair! How am I supposed to draw curly hair, and you're fucking flower crown?!" I ask jokingly.

"And yet you think drawing your tattoos and piercings is going to be easy for me?" He asks with a giggle. That goddamn adorable giggle.

I concentrate on his facial features, starting with eyes. Eyes are the hardest, especially Dan's. His eyes are so fucking beautiful and there's no way I'm going to be able to do them justice. He has a thick set of eyelashes, and deep coffee brown irises, a slightly different shade from the actual pupil. 

Once finishing that, I move onto his nose. He has a cute button nose that isn't too hard to draw, but I still find it difficult, being as shitty at this as I am. 

Then the lips, his pretty lips- I mean, uh, nice? How do you describe how perfect a boy's lips are without sounding gay as fuck- wait I am gay, not for Dan though. I like him platonically.

"Phil? You okay?" He asks me, using those pretty lips.

"Yeah, sorry, just got distracted."

"Well, draw me like one of your French girls." He says, dramatically posing as a joke.

"Dan, for fuck's sake." I laugh at him, and he laughs too. We laugh, and it's nice. 

As I start to concentrate on him more, I notice things. The way he's constantly tugging his sleeves down over his hands, which I think nothing of, and more importantly, the bruise on the underside of his jaw. That wasn't there on Monday, I'm almost certain, and he had his hood up all day yesterday, he wasn't in on Tuesday. This shit is confusing. I'll ask him later.

Eventually, I finish the drawing, then adding colour to it using paints. It's pretty easy being that most of the colours I use are either pastel or brown.

"Your turn!" I tell him, setting my crappy work to the side and watching as he gets to work fairly quickly.

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