t w e n t y s i x

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And so we sit there together, not speaking a word, the only noise filling the silence being our own breathing, Dans seemingly heavier than mine. All we do is acknowledge each others presence. I am happy, more than happy actually. I've been alive seventeen years, and I just got my first friend. It's slightly overwhelming, but it's best I just think about the good stuff rather than worrying about it. 

I feel a growl in my stomach, then remembering that it's lunch. I pull my back off my back, gaining attention from Dan, who then looks away once instantly. I take out a box from my bag, the zipping my backpack up again.  Immediately, I begin to eat my lunch, stopping a few bites into a sandwich to talk to Dan.

"Don't you have anything to eat?"

"Oh, uh, n-no." His voice is stuttery and ragged. Did I do something wrong?

"Do you want to buy something then?"


"Do you want to have some of mine?"

"No, I-I'm fine, really."

"Okay," I say, going back to chomping down on my sandwich. 

The sounds of Dan's breathing gets louder and faster, so I turn to him, with the intent of asking him what's wrong, but when I see him, his legs are pulled right up to his chest, head on his knees, body shaking ever so slightly.

"Dan? Wh- Are you okay?"

He doesn't respond, just brings his legs closer to his chest. I've never seen anyone have a panic attack before, but I'm pretty sure this is one. 

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