s i x t y s e v e n

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I just spent four hours straight editing the grammar of one of my other stories which were really badly written so now I'm completely drained of any good writing abilities for now, so this may be terrible.

I wake up to the sound of my phone's alarm going off. I still don't understand how I wake up at 7:00 am, but somehow I manage. Dan's arms are still wrapped around my waist, my arm slung loosely over his shoulders. I use my other hand which isn't on Dan's shoulder to turn off the alarm, seeing that Dan is starting to stir because of it.  Slowly, he wakes up, yawning and lifting his arms above his head, with his hands formed in fists in front of his mouth.

"Morning, bear," I say in my deep, husky, morning voice.

"Mmf," He groans, fluttering his eyes, and then looking at me staring down at him. "Morning, Phil."

His curls have fallen over his face, and I brush them away, turning over so that I'm on my hands and knees above Dan, then placing a kiss on his nose, and rolling back over to get out of bed.

"No, come back and cuddle me." He says sleepily, grabbing his arms out as if to hug me, but I'm already too far away. 

I walk back to the bed, pretending to get back in bed, causing Dan to pull a smug smile, and then lifting him up bridal style and walking us out of the bedroom. He rests his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes again, so I place him down on the sofa, walking into the kitchen and making two bowls of Crunchy Nut cereal. 

When I walk back out, Dan has sat himself up, wrapping his arms around his legs, and pulling them towards his chest.

"I made you some cereal." I say, handing it out to him. He takes it hesitantly and begins to peck at it, slowly.

I sit next to him, finishing mine almost instantly, as I'm what you could call a cereal enthusiast, while he's still bringing spoonfuls up to his mouth and waiting for a few moments before putting the spoon into his mouth. I've noticed he does this when he eats, not that I've seen him eat very much, as he doesn't eat lunch in school. He eats it at home, or that's what he said. I guess I'll get to see now that we live in the same flat.

"Do you want me to get you some clothes to change in to?" I ask, followed by him responding tiredly with a shake of his head, and I just shrug it off. Personally, I'd take up any offer for someone doing something for me.

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