Blurring The Lines {23}

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                "You okay, Kai?" Jordan asked as we walked towards class the next morning. "You're walking really slow."

                "I'm crippled," I said impatiently. "I always walk slow."

                "Slower than usual," he amended.

                "I fell yesterday," I said.

                His eyes widened. "What? When? Are you okay?"

                "I'm fine," I grumbled. "My leg is just sore. I need to stretch it out a lot."

                "Did you go to the health center?" he asked, eyeing my bad leg.

                I shook my head. "No. I didn't need to. I fell down, I got up, and I'm fine. Quit bothering me about it."

                We entered the academic building and I limped my way to Mr. Townsend's class. I took my usual seat, but Jordan hovered by my desk.

                "Mr. Townsend," he said, gesturing the teacher over.

                "Yes, Jordan?" Mr. Townsend asked, stepping up to us.

                "Kai fell yesterday. Is alright if he leaves to stretch his leg out?" Jordan said.

                "Will you shut up?" I said in annoyance. "I'm fine. Stay out of my business."

                Mr. Townsend frowned. "Are you alright, Kai?"

                "I'm fine!" I snapped.

                Mr. Townsend sighed. "You sound like my son when he injured his wrist over the summer."

                "Your son doesn't exactly have manners," Jordan said.

                Mr. Townsend shot him a dirty look. "Go take your seat, Jordan. I am your teacher. Watch what you say about my son."

                "Sorry, sir," Jordan said, but he didn't look sorry. He left to take a seat, and Mr. Townsend shook his head in disgust.

                "Yes, you can leave to stretch your leg. The offer stands all year for you, of course," he said.

                "Did Jordan just break his perfect-boy act to take a dig at your kid?" I said, a little impressed.

                Mr. Townsend stiffened a little. "My son was a Maroon student. He had anger issues. And he went through a rebellious phase. He's a good kid, but he's a bad communicator. He's come into the class before and had a...disagreement with Jordan."

                "I would pay actual money to see that," I said.

                "I prefer to keep Beckett away from the Academy," Mr. Townsend grumbled, walking back to the front of the room.

                I had no idea who Mr. Townsend's son was, but if this Beckett guy had gotten in a fight with Jordan, I liked him already.

                Class was boring, and I was grateful for the excuse to go out into the hallway. Mr. Townsend gave me a slight nod as I stood up, and I hurried out into the hallway.

                Classes were in session, so the hallways were empty. I peeked into the rooms as I walked, seeing either all Maroons or all Blues.

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