Elegant Or Simple

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Me and Jayden are at the mall shopping for outfits. "So what kind of look do you want to go for?" Jayden asked me. "I can't believe you're asking me this of course I want to be as stunning as everyone I want to be walking in striking and gorgeous and I had just the colours in mind. A gold and black short dress for me. Then I'd have to look for a pretty shiny gold hand bag to go with it. Then I'll do a make up trial of how I want my make up to go." Jayden looked at me shocked. "Wow you really have this all figured out." I stopped and grabbed his arm. "It's Alyssa Lucy Cate here of course I'm going to have it all figured out!" Jayden laughed and I smiled.

"What about you?" I asked Jayden. "Eh probably just a shirt and jeans." I almost stopped breathing from what he said. "Hell no! I'm going to choose your outfit for you because you're going to dress simple and we both have to be elegant/smartly dressed you have to look handsome then when the girls are all over you, you can thank me for picking your outfit." I winked at him and walked forward a few steps ahead of him. He just stayed quiet. "Don't tell me you feel awkward." I told Jayden. "I do." He replied.

As time went by I finally found a expensive shop that had amazing suits and dresses perfect for the occasion. "Jayden! Look! Look at this one! This is nice!" I showed him a navy blue suit. "Nah I'm looking for something black colour." I looked around and that's when I saw it I immediately knew it was the one. "Jayden you're trying this one on! No questions asked!" Jayden tried to come up with an excuse but I snapped. "No! Try it on! Oh and with this shirt! The tie is in the suits inside pocket!" While Jayden was trying his suit on that was actually half price £200 down to £100. I looked around for a gold and black dress.

They didn't really have the dress that I had in mind I was a bit annoyed by that so I looked around for another dress. I saw another dress that caught my eye even though it's not what I was expecting to wear I grabbed it and checked if they had it in my size I was so lucky because there was only one last one my size.

That's the dress

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That's the dress. I know it's more of a party dress.

When I turned around to try it on Jayden came out of the fitting rooms. And he looked hot. "Wow. That's a nice dress Alyssa." I was lost for words, my mouth went dry. "T-thanks you l-look s-so good." I stuttered. "Thanks I actually like this suit."

"I'm just going to try this dress on. But should I try this dress on or the other dress over there?"

 But should I try this dress on or the other dress over there?"

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"Try them both! I'll choose for you like you chose for me." Jayden spoke. I giggled. "Okay."

I tried the first dress on. "So Jayden what do you think?" Jayden turned around his bag with him. "Wow you look beautiful." I thanked him. "Okay so it's either this dress or the other one I'm about to try on." Jayden nodded. I tried the second dress on. "Jayden?" Jayden turned around his mouth shot open he stared at me in amazement. "Alyssa...you've never looked more divine... You have to get this one it's a perfect fit and it's gorgeous I can't take my eyes of you." I blushed. "Aww thank you Jayden. This dress it is." Jayden clapped. "Yes! I chose something for once!" I laughed.

I took the dress off and put my belly top back on with jeggins. I came out and asked the cashier for this dress. "That'll be £250." The woman spoke. I took my debit card out. "Allow me." Jayden spoke while pushing into me. "Jayden no it's fine really!" Jayden replied. "Alyssa I owe you this." I nodded my head in distress. "No you don't I owe you everything for saving my life yesterday let me pay." But I didn't realise he had already stuck his card in and he's typing his code. "Jayden..." I sighed. "Beat you to it!" He winked. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

After shopping for EVERYTHING we needed we went home and my feet were aching. "Wow we seriously went shopping today huh?" Jayden admitted. "Yeah. We actually went in every single shop." I finished. I held up the bags in my hand while chuckling. "I'm holding 14 bags and my arms ache too!" Jayden nudged me. "You think that's bad?! I only bought 4 bags and I'm holding 12 more of yours that's 16 over filled bags!" I giggled and thanked Jayden. "Thank you...for everything. And I mean everything. For helping me through out my whole life, for spending time with me, for buying me things heck for even holding my bags thank you I'm grateful for everything." Jayden smiled. "It's sweet to have a girl that appreciates things I had a friend I never told you about she was nice but she demanded I'd get her this and that so I did and she wasn't grateful. I told her go back to her friends because I'm not your friend I'm someone you're using to get gifts heck you're not even my girlfriend so bye!" I stopped and turned to Jayden. "Oh Jayden...I'm so sorry."

"It's fine I was just practicing my skills of being a gentlemen because obviously the practice helped if it impressed you." I stared into Jayden's eyes. Was he flirting with me right now? Should I flirt back or... Better to be safe than sorry. "Thank you I mean it but please can we call a taxi because I've had enough my arms are shaking now I can't hold these bags. "Sure."

Time passed and finally we were home the first thing me and Jayden done was drop our bags on my bedroom floor and just bounced on the bed relaxing. We were both thankful that we're back. I closed my eyes and with that my eyes went heavy and before I knew it I was off into a sleep. Or so I hoped I was. I was about to when Jayden snapped me out of it. "Alyssa! I'm sorry! But I have to go! I'm sorry!" Jayden grabbed his bags and ran out of the house as if his life was in danger. I didn't even have time to reply.

I guess that's what life gives me when I think I'm getting close to love...

Heeeeeeeyyyyyoooooooo! How are my readers? I hope you liked this chapter and they'll be more to come! Thank you!

Questions: Will Alyssa's bond with Jayden grow even stronger?
Questions: Jayden zoomed out of the house pretty fast what do you think is going on?

We'll find out in the next chapter! Thanks again for reading and I'll see you in the next! Have fun!

To be continued...

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