No! Don't Go!

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It's Sunday. I'm having a lazy day. I'm dressed in panda pyjamas lying on my bed with a cup of hot chocolate. The weather is terrible. It is pouring rain and I'm freezing even though I'm lying under my extremely fluffy blanket. Today was just not my day.

"Alyssa." Dad knocked on my door. "Mm?" I replied. "What's wrong?" Dad asked. "Nothing. Why?" I asked. "No reason." I gave dad a weird look and went back to playing my game. "Lyss." Dad spoke. Dad only calls me Lyss when he's worried or emotional. I looked up to meet dads worried eyes. "Are you okay?" I asked dad. "Fine fine sweetheart listen just give me a hug." I pushed the covers away and gave dad a reassuring hug. He clung onto me longer than usual. Now I'm worried. I pulled apart. "Daddy...what's wrong you know you can talk to me right?" Dad had tears in his eyes.

I assumed by his gulp he's swallowing a lump in his throat. Dad held my hands. "Alyssa...There's no easy way to say this." All my attention was now on dad waiting eagerly to hear his next words, to understand what is going on. "Alyssa. I-I...I'm going...t-to fight in the...the war." It hit me hard. Suddenly all the memories of me and my dad came rushing back to me. Flash back after flash back. From when I was a little girl wearing a frilly dress and dad twirled me around and I giggled. From when I wouldn't go to sleep and he'd lift me up and tickle me and I'd laugh like crazy. From when he'd pick me up every morning throw me in the air, catch me and plant a kiss on my cheek before going work. From when he'd come home I'd always be waiting by the window for him to see what he brought me home. From when I was scared of the monsters in my room he would scare them away for me. From when I was growing up and I had growing pains he'd cuddle me at night. From when I went to my first theme park and he held me tight for the water ride. From when I became a teenager and he'd always slide a chocolate bar under my door on the days I was mad, angry or upset. Or from when I missed him he would always open his arms for me to hug him and he'd play with my hair. So much memories were flashing before my eyes. And all I could say is. "No! Daddy don't go!" Stupid Alyssa as if that's going to work. Tears found it's way to my eyes and soon I was crying uncontrollably into my dads chest as he stroked my hair like he did when I was a little girl.

"Shh Alyssa it's okay. Remember I'm helping people so nothing's going to go wrong. I'll always come back home to you and Bethany, I mean your mum. Now do you still have that box?" I dried my tears knowing exactly what my dad was talking about. I jumped up and opened my wardrobe. I took my billion pairs of shoes off the bottom of the wardrobe and took the shelf out of it. Only to find a big purple box that was decorated with stickers and ribbons and the original design of butterflies. I took the box out of the wardrobe and brought it to my bed. I brushed away some of the dust on the box. I then sat down and pushed a few strands of my hair behind my ears.

Me and dad met eyes before I opened it. On the top of the box was a mirror that was decorated by stickers that said beautiful, strong, kind, courageous, loving, joyful then there were heart stickers around. Inside was loads of mementoes and bracelets and some pictures also a diary and lots of other things that are memories.

"It's been so long since I've opened this box..." I admitted. "I know darling and so many memories of the things I have given you are coming back to my mind." I smiled and played around with a few things. "Do you remember this necklace dad. I remember the exact day you got it for me. We were shopping at a jewellery shop and this necklace caught my eye I had my hands on the glass eagerly watching the necklace with admiration. Then this other spoilt girl came and said 'Not so fast! That necklace is mine! My daddy is going to buy it for me!' I remember I started crying because this necklace was one of a kind and I really wanted it. The father of that girl immediately apologised for the girls behaviour and told me he was not going to buy it. I remember smiling so much and the other girl got mad her dad tried to explain they couldn't afford it but the girl ran off. You were right behind me the entire time and I didn't realise till you put your hands on my shoulders. I also remember you saying 'We can't afford that either Alyssa.' I pouted and pleaded so much then you tricked me you couldn't afford it and came back the next day with a present for me after work and you put the necklace on me. I remember jumping up and hugging you and you lifted me up. I remember mum was smiling there with a chocolate bar for me to eat. It was a good day."

Dad looked at me in shock. "I can't believe you remember the whole story! You were only 6." I laughed at dad. Dad grabbed a tiara and I got excited and told them the story about the tiara too. We spent the whole day with each other we spoke about everything in the box and we cleaned the house together, watched a movie and now we're both hungry. "I'm hungry dad." I spoke. "Alyssa you're always hungry." I jumped up. "No I'm not!" "Oh please Alyssa before the movie you ate 2 platefuls of lasagna and the rest of mine! You shouldn't be hungry for the rest of the day!" I replied in shock. "That was before the movie! Don't judge me I was hungry then too but dad I'm serious I'm actually so hungry I'm more hungry then Mr Hungry." Dads face looked confused. "Who's Mr Hungry?" I responded with an excited tone. "He's the guy from my imagination that keeps telling me that I'm hungry and I believe it!" Dad laughed and laughed and laughed. "Jeez there really is something wrong with my daughter." I agreed. "Yeah there is wanna know what it is?" Before dad could even reply I continued. "It's that I'm so freaking hungry and if I don't eat I'm going to put salt on your arm and eat it for myself!" Dads eyes widened in disbelief. "Okay okay I'll take you out for dinner." "YAY!" I screamed and danced. "We're going out for dinner! We're going out for dinner."

So we ate at a really expensive restaurant and I ate everything on all three of my plates. Did I forget to mention I finished before dad could even eat his dinner that was all on one plate! I should be a food critic. Now we're home and back in my bedroom again. I picked up my box and was about to put it back before dad stopped me. "Before you put it back I want you to have something. Another thing to go into the box." I smiled at dad. "And what's that?" I watched as dad grabbed something out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was a tag. I looked at dad taken aback and confused. "Don't look at me like that Lyss! It's an army card on the back of it is my phone number so you can always contact my private phone and yes it is a different phone number to the phone I have now. Only you and your mother have and know about this phone number so I'd like to keep it that way." I guess now that the tag has a meaning behind it I'll keep it. "Of course daddy." I hugged dad and he hugged me back. I have to tip toe to hug him cause I'm still shorter than him but I love being shorter than dad it's nice.

Hey all my readers! How are you all doing? I'm doing great! Let me know what you think about this chapter! Love you all!

To be continued...

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